Welcome to William Utermohlen's Website

This website is primarily devoted to genealogy projects.  If you are interested in work issues, click here.

The most extensive section of this website relates to the Cox family, as to which Ruth Anna Hicks and I completed a genealogy in 2007, entitled Descendants of John Cox and Joseph Cox.

Other families in which I have a research interest are listed below.  As to several, I have incorporated research summaries, many of them of only a preliminary nature and prepared in the 1980s, before the advent of ready Internet access to census records.  While these summaries have a variety of defects, including their formatting and numbering systems, they may be of use to other researchers pending completion of revised versions.

bulletUtermohlen families of the United States and Germany (also spelled Utermöhlen, Utermoehlen, Uttermohlen, Utermahlen, Utermohle, etc.)
bulletKuper family of Firrel and Bagband, Ostfriesland, Germany and Illinois, Missouri and Nebraska
bulletCarsh family of Humboldt, Nebraska
bulletJohn L. James family of White County, Tennessee and Buchanan County, Missouri
bulletFowler family of Garrard County, Kentucky and Fountain County, Indiana (related to the Furr family of Loudoun County, Virginia) (Memoirs of I.G. Fowler (1861-1929), pharmacist of Independence, Kansas)
bulletGetchell family of Maine
bulletSmith family of Sandisfield, Massachusetts
bulletRue family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania and points west (See Richard Rue descendants; also Tom Rue's site).
bulletHolman family of Kent County, Maryland and Kentucky
bulletVansant family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania and the eastern shore of Maryland (see the Van Zandt Society site)
bulletDisher family of Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana
bulletBarmore families originating in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey
bulletFrancis Curtis family originating in Plymouth, Massachusetts

I also am interested in the ancestry of my wife, including:

bulletBrown families of Lanarkshire and Wigtownshire, Scotland and Bakersfield, Vermont
bulletWalsh family of St. Paul, Minnesota
bulletMcManus and McBride families of Shieldsville, Rice County, Minnesota and St. Paul, Minnesota
bulletLynch and McGrath families of Sullivan County, New York
bulletPistor family of London and Lincolnshire, England (see also link under Blunden family)
bulletBlunden  Family of Burnham, Essex


Bill Utermohlen, 1916 Windsor Road, Alexandria, VA 22307;