This index attempts to cover all persons and
places mentioned in the text. Persons are indexed as children in their
parent's families and as heads of their own households, but are not usually
otherwise indexed in the sketches of near relatives. Places in the United
States are indexed by state, then by county, and lastly by locality within the
county. Post-secondary colleges and schools and military units have also been
indexed, but may not have been comprehensively covered.
____, Belle, 531, 532
____, Edna R., 116
____, Hattie, 538
____, Jesse, 226
____, Jim, 408, 536
____, John, 455, 539
____, Louesy, 525
____, Mabel, 538
____, Mamie, 537
____, Mary, 354, 539
____, Melinda, 55, 112
____, Norie, 537
____, Olive, 528
____, Sam, 529, 539
____, Sammy, 525, 528
____, William, 539
112th Illinois Infantry, 157, 460
11th Illinois Cavalry, 143, 460
11th Volunteer Cavalry, 256
126th Illinois Infantry, 460, 461
Company G, 99, 208
127th Field Artillery, 308, 310, 316
12th Illinois Infantry, 99, 120, 460
12th Indiana Infantry, 461
133rd Indiana Infantry, 604
14th Illinois Cavalry, 191, 202, 458, 460
14th U.S. Infantry, 327
3rd Battalion, 378
156th Illinois Infantry, 460, 461
15th U.S. Cavalry, 256
161st Indiana Infantry
Company F, 234
16th Iowa Infantry, 460
187th Ohio Infantry, 461
Company I, 232
1st Regiment Illinois Cavalry, 255
2nd U.S. Artillery
Lt. Battery A, 234
302nd Battalion Tank Corps, 310
326th Battalion Tank Corps, 302
32nd Michigan Infantry
Company D, 324
35th Iowa Infantry, 170, 460
35th Ohio Infantry, 454, 460
45th U.S. Infantry, 297
47th Illinois Infantry, 460
4th Illinois Cavalry, 153
4th Nebraska Infantry, 309
4th U.S. Cavalry, 256
65th Illinois Infantry, 157
76th Illinois Infantry, 461
85th Indiana Infantry, 461
89th Illinois Infantry, 460
9th Illinois Cavalry, 460
9th Illinois Infantry, 460
9th Iowa Infantry, 169
Abarno, Lucy Bee (Cox), 326
Abarno, Robert, 326
Abler, Barbara Jean, 366
Adams, Alberta B., 224, 363
Adams, Elizabeth, 232
Adams, Evelyn C., 12
Adams, Ezra LeRoy, 131
Adams, Hazel May, 204, 350
Adams, Martha Waldo (Peck), 131
Adams, Sarah Marilla (Cox), 131
Adams, Sharon Lea, xii
Adams, Waldo Peck, 131
Addington, John, 18
Aikins, William M., 593
Ainsworth, Isabel J., 253, 394
Alabama, 133, 312
Colbert County
Tuscumbia, 122, 454
Dale County
Newton, 378
Dallas County
Selma, 187, 189
Jackson County
Bridgeport, 244
Morgan County
Decatur, 72, 133, 448, 452
Alapai, Alice Mae (Vanderwalker), 368
Alapai, Ralph K., 368
Albert, Faye Irene (Holt), 341
Albert, John Jacob III, 341
Aldrich, Bess Streeter, 206
Alexander, William, 482, 490
Allen, Anna S., 107, 217, 545
Allen, Archibald, 38
Allen, Ethan, 2, 8
Allen, Helen Augusta, 363
Allen, J. Weston, 262
Allen, John, 217
Allen, John A., 208
Allen, Kathryn, 217
Allen, Polly, 409, 410, 411
Allen, Rachel, 446
Allen, Reuben, 417
Almgren, Evelyn Lucille (Knight), 314
Almgren, Joseph Hudgins, 314
Alpaugh, Anna, 378
Amerman, Bertie, 243
Amerman, Charles, 243
Amerman, Clara Belle (White), 243, 384
Amerman, Margaret, 242, 243, 384
Amerman, Martha Ann (Hickman), 120, 242
Amerman, Mildred, 243
Amerman, Morton, 243, 384
Amerman, Peter, 242
Amerman, Rosa May, 243, 384
Amerman, Theophilus M., 242
Amerman, Wanetta May, 385
Amerman, William B., 120, 242, 461
Amity College, 264, 275, 277, 278
Ammerman, Alonzo, 242
Amos, Lora Verle, 353
Amy, Iva Belle, 191, 335
Amy, Levi, 335
Amy, Mary (Bucklin), 335
Anderson, Dwaine L., 362
Anderson, Edgar Earl, 338
Anderson, Eleanor May (Huss), 338
Anderson, Hannah, 344
Anderson, Sonja M. (Freeland), 362
Anderson, Vickie, xii
Andre, Jessie Gertrude, 147, 281
Antes, Charlotte Elaine, xii
Antes, Eleanor Imogene (Vanderwalker), 369, 514, 523, 540
Antes, John Howard, 369
Anthony, Susan B., 265
Appleby, Frances Eleanor (Thayer) (Beucler), 369
Appleby, Geraldine Marie (Kortsen), 369
Appleby, James Frederick, 369
Appleby, James Fredrick, 228, 369
Appleby, Lulu May, 369
Appleby, Lulu May (Vanderwalker), 228, 369
Appleby, Maria (Sargent), 369
Appleby, Martha H. (Napravnik), 369
Appleby, Mary Alice, 369
Appleby, William, 369
Appleby, William Benjamin, 369
Arcularius, E. M., 94
Arcularius, Edward F., 92
Arcularius, Edward Frederick, 195, 198
Arcularius, Emily Maria (Axelson), 195, 198
Arcularius, Emily N. (____), 92
Arcularius, Hettie Augusta, 94, 197, 544
Arcularius, Margaret Irene, 94, 195, 544
Argentina, 254
Arizona, 171, 195, 252, 330, 342, 530, 532, 533, 535
Apache County
Saint Johns, 522
Cochise County, 518
Benson, 227, 520
Bisbee, 366, 367
Dos Cabezas, 227, 228, 367, 369, 514,
518, 519, 520, 539
Fort Huachuca, 370
Sulphur Springs Valley, 521, 522
Willcox, 518, 519, 521, 522, 530, 531
Winslow, 227
Coconino County
Flagstaff, 320
Gila County
Tonto Basin, 368
Maricopa County
Buckeye, 368
Gilbert, 369
Laveen, 514
Mesa, 226, 227, 296, 297, 366, 369
Paradise Valley, 227, 522
Phoenix, 227, 339, 366, 367, 368,
369, 540
Scottsdale, 392
Tempe, 227, 366, 368, 369, 522
Mohave County
Kingman, 313
Navajo County
Holbrook, 342
Snowflake, 521
Pima County, 517
Dos Cabezas, 517
Tucson, 519
Pinal County
Florence, 227, 369
Ray, 366
Santa Cruz County
Patagonia, 227
Yavapai County
Ashfork, 367
Prescott, 369
Seligman, 367
Arizona State College, 370
Arkansas, 249
Conway County
Solgohachia, 360
Jefferson County
Pine Bluff, 99, 208
Perry County
Perry, 281
Prairie County
De Valls Bluff, 99, 208
Armbruster, Clarence Edward, 274
Armbruster, Margaret Grace (Thomas), 274
Armold, Lou, 362
Armold, Murleen, 362
Armstrong, Norma Ruth, 348
Arnold, ____, 213
Arnold, Benedict, 7
Arnold, Charles, 211
Ashdown, May, 188, 332
Asher, Cella Imogene (Cox), 149, 287
Asher, Gertrude F. (or M.), 199, 346
Asher, Lewis, 346
Asher, Mae (Noble), 346
Asher, Otis Lynn, 149, 287
Ashley, Irene Childress, 360
Asia, 11
Austin, Queenie D., 233, 374
North Queensland, 177
Avis, Ann Mabel (Morton), 194, 340
Avis, Emeline Morton, 340
Avis, Emma (Buford), 340
Avis, Hugh Berry, 194, 340
Avis, Hugh Berry Jr., 340
Avis, Matthew, 340
Axelson, Emily Maria, 195, 198
Azdell, Bessie Elizabeth, 167, 312
Babcock, Alice Emeline, 119
Babcock, Elisha B., 55, 119
Babcock, Letitia (Cox), 55, 119
Backs, Susan Jane (Lodge), xii
Baer, John, 67
Baggerly, Charles W., 118
Baggerly, Luvenia (Silvers), 118
Bailey, E. D., 265
Bailey, Effie Myrtle, 233, 373
Bailey, Louisa, 373
Bailey, Rosalie Fellows, 5
Bailey, Sarah Pauline, 251
Bailey, William, 373
Bair, Ranae J., 393
Baird, Catherine Elizabeth, 356
Baird, Patrick, 416, 417
Baker, Anna Leone, 310
Baker, Edith Mary Melvina, 226, 364, 515, 525, 526, 528
Baker, Edna M., 226, 365, 515
Baker, Ida Maria, 226, 515, 525, 526, 527, 528
Baker, John Milton, 110, 225, 515, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 530
Baker, Laurence M., 226, 515
Baker, Mabel, 226, 515
Baker, Mildred Luthada, 226, 365, 515
Baker, Nelly Maud, 226, 515, 526
Baker, Rachel Anna (Kirby), 110, 225, 515, 523, 524, 527, 530, 533, 539
Baker, Thomas, 317
Baker, Tracy, 317
Baker, William Milton, 226, 515, 525, 526, 527
Baldwin, Henry H., 159
Baltzmier, Elizabeth, 335
Banfield, Lillian (Cox), 359
Banfield, Rick, 359
Bangs, Margaret Emily, 288
Banks, John, 65
Barber, Jonas, 104
Barkslure, Charles, 67
Barmore, Florence May, 309
Barnard, Rosanna (Murphy), 114
Barnard, William J., 114
Barnes, Maggie May, 169, 313
Barnett, Edward, 330
Barnett, Virginia Olive (Cox), 330
Barth, Barbara, 572
Bartlett, Rae Adeline, 353
Barton, Ruth Alberta, 323
Bascom, George N., 519
Bates College, 275
Bates, Ellen, 224, 362
Bates, Walter, 362
Bauer, Dorothy, 300
Bauer, Harry, 160, 299
Bauer, Winnifred Alice (Cox), 160, 299
Beagle, Clara Louise (Marshall), 373
Beagle, Everett James, 231, 372
Beagle, James Clayton, 373
Beagle, Raymond E., 373
Beagle, Renabelle (Milligan), 231, 372
Beal, ____, 478
Beal, Daniel, 103
Beard, ____, 290
Beard, Essie Lenora (Pike), 290
Beard, Mary, 601
Beatty, ____, 173
Beatty, Lenora Jane (Knight), 173
Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 451
Beck, Elizabeth (Wilkinson), 571
Beck, Flora Belle, 107, 219, 545
Beck, John, 219, 571
Beck, Margaret, 570, 571, 576
Beck, Samuel, 571
Beckworth, ____, 33, 35
Bedford, Elias, 66, 84
Beecher, John D., 104
Beeshon, Charles, 214
Beeson, Isaac, 417
Beirut University, 279
Belcher, Martha, 370
Belcher, Virginia, 370
Bell, Albert E., 235, 376
Bell, Annie (____), 235, 376
Bell, Betty, 380
Bell, Blanche Iva, 235
Bell, Eleanor P. (Kelsey), 379
Bell, Emma Irene, 380
Bell, Emma R. (____), 235
Bell, Estella Marie, 238, 380
Bell, Evelyn Rose, 379
Bell, George, 380
Bell, Gordon Keith, 379
Bell, Grace A., 238
Bell, Gwendolyn, 376
Bell, Iredell Earl, 238
Bell, Iredell H., 115, 238
Bell, John, 235, 238
Bell, Julia Ann (Cox), 115, 235
Bell, Kenneth, 376
Bell, Mabel (Olson), 238, 379
Bell, Mahlon Albert, 115, 235
Bell, Margaret (Harmon), 238, 379
Bell, Martha J., 380
Bell, Martha Jane (Cox), 115, 238
Bell, Milford A. "Pete", 238, 379
Bell, Nelda E. (____), 379
Bell, Nellie F. (Maines), 238, 380
Bell, Nellie G. (Smart), 238, 379
Bell, Nerva L. (Cox), 238
Bell, Ora E., 238, 379
Bell, Orbra M., 238, 380
Bell, Rachel (Cummins), 235, 238
Bell, Richard M., 379
Bell, Robert K., 380
Bell, Verna D. (Kramer), 238, 379
Bell, Vernon Darrell, 379
Bell, William Arthur, 235
Benbridge, Thomas T., 56
Bennett family, 417
Bennum, Claire, 366
Benson, Capt., 99
Bercaw, Jennie, 381
Bergier, ____, 227
Bergman, George A., 339
Bergman, Jeannette Adele (Morton), 339
Beucler, Frances Eleanor (Thayer), 369
Beyer, Helen S., 339
Bickerdyke, Mary Ann, 445
Biggs, John, 60
Biggs, Mary, 247
Biggs, Mary Caroline (Hickman), 120, 247
Biggs, Rhoda J., 247, 387
Biggs, William H., 120, 247
Binning, Betty M., 391
Bintz, Irene Catherine (Cox), 326
Bintz, Lloyd Ann, xii
Bintz, Lloyd Jacob, 326
Bird, Constable, 210
Bird, Gregory J., 394
Bixby, Jotham, 263
Black Hawk War, 83
Black, Hazel Gertrude (Vanderwalker), 368
Black, J. D., 368
Black, Sarah Josephine (Vanderwalker), 368
Black, Tommy Joe, 368
Blackburn, Lillie Margaret, 115, 237
Blackburn, Mary (Lovelace), 237
Blackburn, Samuel, 237
Blackwell, Effie, 297
Blaine, James G., 257
Blauvelt, Charles D., 329
Blauvelt, Charles M., 180
Blaylock, ____, 430
Bloomfield, Samuel, 18
Bloxom, Berlista Mable (Kerchital), 281
Blue Jacket, 402
Blunt, William, 24, 397, 405, 413
Bochmann, Jane, 332
Boldt, Anna Catharina Dorothea, 297
Bolivia, 254
La Paz, 254
Bolstad, Helen Irene (Reeder), 366
Bolstad, Sverre (Sam), 366
Bolton, Beulah G., 293
Bolton, Fannie May (Henderson), 153, 293
Bolton, Samuel J., 293
Bolton, Sarah (Bridger), 293
Bolton, Sidney Bridger, 153, 293
Bonine, Isaac, 597
Boone, Daniel, 542
Borden, Chester Arthur Ray, 292
Borden, Irma Beatrice (Henderson), 292
Borden, Julia, 181
Boswell, Jane, 366
Boswell, Josephine, 304
Bourn, Betty Mae (Billie), 372
Bourn, Floretta May (Fowler), 230, 372
Bourn, Jack Wallace, 372
Bourn, W. P., 230, 372
Bovard, Anna J., 98, 200
Bovard, James, 200
Bovard, Margaret E., 106, 215
Bowen, Loma Francis (Knight), 318
Bowen, Mart Henry, 318
Bower, Donald Lynn, 326
Bower, Jane Sybil (Cox), 326
Bowlas, Elsa, 328
Bowlas, Louis, 328
Bowman, John, 568, 580
Bowser, Alta Ruby, 318
Boyles, John, 417
Braden, James W., 313
Braden, Nora Belle, 169, 313
Braden, Zelma, 383
Bradley, ____, 117, 241
Bradley, Effie (Cox), 117, 241
Brauch, Harriet Elaine, 390
Breecher, Gladys E., 350
Brekke, Elin Regine, 263
Bremer, Gustavus Augustus, 355
Bremer, Isola A. (Goodreau), 355
Brettun, Soranus L., 41, 75
Briant, Mary Elizabeth (Cox), 98
Bridge, ____, 32, 428
Bridger, Sarah, 293
Brinkman, Edna Epperson, 568
Brittain, Edith Mary Melvina (Baker), 226, 364
Brittain, Frank, 226, 364
Britton, ____, 468
Broadfoot, Ada M., 349
Broadfoot, Amelia Peggy (Schnell), 350
Broadfoot, Delbert Eugene, Sr., 350
Broadfoot, Elsa M. (Canedy), 350
Broadfoot, George Elmer, 203, 349
Broadfoot, Gladys E. (Breecher), 350
Broadfoot, James R., 350
Broadfoot, Nellie L., 350
Broadfoot, Sarah Maria (Cox), 203, 349
Brower, Christian, 19, 32, 51, 65
Brower, J., 51
Brower, John, 19, 65
Brown, Alison Rose, xii
Brown, Charles, 239
Brown, Grace R., 249
Brown, Hattie A. (Strader), 239
Brown, Ida May (Cox), 128, 248
Brown, Mabel, 249
Brown, Mary, 19, 20
Brown, Milard F., 128, 248
Brown, Rev., 212
Brown, Seth, 592
Brownell, Myra E. (Cox), 354
Broyles, John, 413
Bruington, Sara, 148
Bryn Mawr College, 255
Buchan, John, 485, 486, 489
Buck, Lila B., 349
Buckley, Alexandra "Sandy" Kay, 310
Buckley, brothers, 478
Buckley, Earl D., 381
Buckley, Goldie F. (Strader), 381
Bucklin, Mary, 335
Buell, Don Carlos, 455
Buford, Emma, 340
Bulla, William, 413, 417
Bullock, Delbert, 218, 360
Bullock, Hazel Ethel (Cox), 218, 360
Burden, John, 213
Burg, Margaret, 302
Burgess, ____, 417
Burgess, James, 27, 399
Burgin, John Morris, 569, 571, 572, 573, 574, 576
Burgin, Mary (Rue), 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 576
Burgin, Rachel, 570, 573, 574
Burk family, 405
Burk, Jesse, 417
Burk, John, 417
Burk, Lewis, 417
Burley, Effie L., 386
Burley, George, Jr., 247, 386
Burley, George, Sr., 386
Burley, Hannah, 386
Burley, Verda (Hickman), 247, 386
Burley, Waneta, 386
Burnside, James, 124
Burrell, Elizabeth, 190
Burrell, Jesse, 229
Burrell, Mabel Clair (Fowler), 229
Buschow, F. C., 214
Buschown, Charles F., 213
Bush, Benjamin, 386
Bush, Silletta (____), 386
Butchart, Marshall, 184
Butcher, Ilah, 377
Butler, ____, 529
Butler, Baile, 417
Butler, Mollie, 525
Butler, Richard, 7
Butterfield, Belinda, 204
Buttner, Mr., 535
Byer, Mary F., 178
Cady, Charmian G. (Cox), 351
Cady, Jesse Worth, 351
Cail, ____, 379
Cail, Evelyn Rose (Bell), 379
Caldwell family, 417
Caldwell, Caroline, 79, 169, 528, 531, 532, 534
Caldwell, Clara L. (____), 79, 169
Caldwell, John, 113
Caldwell, Lewis R., 169
California, 58, 79, 109, 131, 341, 360, 433, 436, 451, 514, 522
Alameda County, 290, 291, 314, 341, 371, 372
Berkeley, 341
Castro Valley, 391
Oakland, 172, 290, 372
Piedmont, 372
Butte County
Chico, 315
Ophir township, 110
Oroville, 110, 228, 230
Contra Costa County
Antioch, 317
Richmond, 372
El Dorado County
Placerville, 59
Fresno County, 228, 229, 370, 371, 393
8th Judicial Township, 229
Fowler, 393
Kingsburg, 230, 372, 393
Laton, 230
Navelencia, 364
Reedley, 364, 393
Riverdale, 230, 370, 372
Selma, 230, 370, 372
Township No. 15, 370
Township No. 9, 230, 231
Guernsey, 371
Humboldt County, 514, 517, 519, 530
Eureka, 282
Fort Seward, 524
Garberville, 110, 225, 226, 227, 229,
366, 523, 527, 529
Hydesville, 110, 229
South Fork township, 110
Imperial County
Calipatria, 333
Kern County, 372
19th Judicial Township, 317
4th Township, 228, 371
Bakersfield, 110, 172, 173, 225, 226,
228, 230, 316, 317, 318, 322, 364, 365, 366, 372, 537
Oildale, 317
Rio Bravo, 317
Rosedale, 317
Taft, 228, 364, 371
Township No. 12, 226, 365
Township No. 15, 365
Township No. 3, 317
Weed Patch, 229, 230, 371, 538
Kings County, 370
Grangeville, 373
Hanford, 110, 225, 229, 230, 231,
365, 370, 371, 372, 533
Hanford township, 231
Lucerne township, 231
Kingsbird, 373
Lake County
Kelseyville Township, 172
Township 5, 172
Los Angeles County, 181, 185, 226, 301, 316, 320, 322, 330,
332, 333, 365, 366, 374, 375, 380, 386, 387, 394, 517
Alhambra, 299
Ballona township, 173
Bellflower, 330
Beverly Hills, 325
Beverly Hills township, 333
Culver City, 315
Encino, 386
Hollywood, 315
Inglewood, 183, 393
La Rambla, 365
Lomita township, 117
Long Beach, 171, 172, 225, 318, 346,
Los Angeles, 117, 171, 172, 173, 186,
187, 235, 240, 252, 279, 301, 320, 321, 322, 324, 330, 339, 342, 354, 367,
518, 521,
528, 531, 532, 535, 536
Montrose, 333
North Hollywood, 293
Palos Verdes, 255
Palos Verdes Estates, 131, 366
Pasadena, 169, 171, 233, 234, 252,
280, 281, 313, 333, 355, 374, 521, 522, 531, 532, 534, 535, 536, 537
Pasadena township, 173
Rancho Palos Verdes, 117, 263
Redondo Beach, 316
Reseda, 386
San Dimas, 380
San Fernando, 256, 517
San Fernando Valley, 394
San Gabriel, 172, 173, 316, 535
San Pedro, 365
Santa Monica, 315
Sawtelle Veterans Hospital, 324
South Pasadena, 330, 333
Tarzana, 386
Van Nuys, 346
Whittier, 298, 366
Whittier township, 360
Madera County
Madera, 229
Oakhurst, 372
Marin County
Fort Baker, 230
San Rafael, 393
Mariposa County, 61
Mendocino County
Willits, 110
Willitsville, 227
Merced County
Los Banos, 230
Monterey County
Pacific Grove, 371
Nevada County
Nevada City, 174
Nevada township, 230
Orange County, 322, 345
Corona Del Mar, 172
Costa Mesa, 280
Placer County
Auburn, 59
Ophirville, 59
Riverside County, 231, 326, 387
Riverside, 318, 323
Sacramento County, 341
Citrus Heights, 356
Fair Oaks, 299
Orangevale, 299
Sacramento, 129, 311, 335, 390
San Bernardino County, 322, 387
Hesperia, 322
San Bernardino, 514, 518, 520, 528
San Bernardino township, 322
Victorville, 322
San Diego County, 393
Fullbrook, 360
La Jolla, 178
Rainbow, 360
San Marcos, 322
San Francisco County
San Francisco, 256, 276, 517
San Joaquin County, 231, 372
Lathrop, 373
Stockton, 355
San Luis Obispo County, 359
Santa Barbara County, 320
Santa Clara County, 241
San Jose, 371, 386
Shasta County, 314
Redding, 314, 366
Shasta, 366
Siskiyou County
Fort Jones, 524
Scott Valley, 524
Yreka, 524
Solano County, 230, 372
Benicia, 529
Sonoma County
Petaluma, 330
Rohnert Park, 330
Sutter County, 334
Tehama County
Red Bluff, 366
Trinity County
Hayfork, 524
Mad River, 524
Trinity Center, 174, 524
Weaverville, 524
Tulare County, 109, 228, 229, 231, 364
Farmersville township, 59
Porterville, 110, 519, 530, 533, 534
Traver, 536
Tulare City, 519, 528, 529, 530, 532
Visalia, 59, 230
Ventura County, 517
Oxnard, 311
Ventura, 310
Yolo County
Woodland, 230
Yuba County
Marysville, 110, 226
Calkins, Mary, 288
Camp, Gregory Scott, xii
Campanello, Giovanni, 187
Campbell, Beulah G. (Bolton), 293
Campbell, Charles Lester, 293
Campbell, David L., 175
Campbell, John, 175
Campbell, Mabel R. (Knight), 175
Campbell, Nancy, 86
Campbell, Sarah, 157
Canada, 7, 215, 224, 321
Isle aux Noix, 7
Montreal, 7
New Brunswick
St. Stephens, 320
Compton, 153
Quebec City, 7
Canedy, Elsa M., 350
Cannon, Alice Mae (Vanderwalker), 368
Cannon, Joseph, 131
Cannon, Walter Leo, 368
Cannutt, Elizabeth Jane, 120
Capper, David Samuel, 355
Capper, Elva M. (Price), 355
Capper, Martin Van Buren, 207, 355
Capper, Mary Elvene, 355
Capper, Mary Lulu (Cox), 207, 355
Capper, Velma Lorence, 355
Card, Emma Jane, 284
Cardell, Ada M. (Broadfoot), 349
Cardell, Robert, 349
Carden, Glen K. (or N.), 322
Carden, Harry D., 173, 322
Carden, Hattie R. (Knight), 173, 322
Carden, Isabel (Farrington), 322
Carlin, Governor, 70, 543
Carmer or Carwer, ____, 300
Carmer or Carwer, Dorothy (Bauer), 300
Carnes, Edith Geraldine (Knight), 314
Carnes, Edward E., 314
Carr, John, 106
Carrington, Edna A. (Cox), 62
Carrington, George S., 62
Carroll, George W., 331
Carroll, Lillian M., 184, 331
Carroll, Lucy (Scales), 331
Carson, David, 417, 585, 586, 589, 590
Carson, David D., 591
Carson, Elizabeth, 590, 591
Carson, Elizabeth (Rue), 585, 586, 589
Carson, Elizabeth (Sell), 591
Carson, Harrison, 590, 591
Carson, Henry B., 591
Carson, Hester, 590
Carson, Miriam, 590, 591
Carson, Nancy, 590, 591
Carson, Rachel, 590, 591
Carson, Rebecca, 591
Carson, Richard, 590
Carson, Samuel, 590
Carson, Samuel R., 592
Carson, Sarah (Ransford), 591
Carson, Uremia, 591
Carter family, 405
Carter, ____, 417
Carter, Elijah, 304
Carter, George, 85
Carter, Josephine (Boswell), 304
Carter, Rilla Belle, 162, 304
Case, Louden L., 103
Case, O. C., 212, 213
Caston, LloydAnn (Bintz), xii
Cates, John Conley, 589
Caughey, Sarah, 59, 79
Caylor, Melinda, 301
Cesar, George, 359
Cesar, Mildred Irene (Cox), 359
Chamberlin, Lee, 295
Chamberlin, Mary Belle, 155, 295
Chambers ____, 420
Chambers, Charles L., 64
Chambliss, Benjamin, 125
Chandler, A. R., 57
Chapman, Joe, 227
Chapman, Mary Ann, 227
Chapman, Willie I., 227
Charlton, Cordelia, 173, 322
Chase, Rufus, 103
Chestnut, John A., 130
Chetlam, General, 143
Chew, Rozelle Lincoln, 196, 343
China, 254
Hong Kong, 274
Shanghai, 256, 274
Chitwood & Casterline, 61
Christ family, 408
Christ, Andrew, 360
Christ, Grace M. (Cox), 360
Christy, Suzanne, 263
Cissna, William, 382
Clark, ____, 435
Clark, Charlotte (Ransford), 603
Clark, Elizabeth Mary (Cox), xii, 313
Clark, George Rogers, 543, 555, 566, 568, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583
Clark, James H., 95
Clark, Merle (Stoner), 313
Clark, Samuel James, Jr., 603
Clark, William, 574
Clark, William Floyd, 313
Clark, William Oliver, 313
Clarke, G. H., 268
Clayton, Gladys, 355
Clearwater, Rebecca, 65
Cleaveland, Martha Smith, 153
Clements, Mrs., 265
Cleveland, Katherine, 330
Clevenger, Daniel, 18, 21, 32
Clevinger, Daniel, 417
Clevinger, Job, 417
Clifton family, 222
Coap, Grant, 247, 387
Coap, Rhoda J. (Biggs), 247, 387
Coap, Viola May, 387
Coap, William S., 387
Coap, Zeno, 387
Coates, L. A., 161
Cobb, Elisha W., 72
Cock, Peter Larsson, 2, 9, 10, 11, 13
Cody, ____, 482
Coe, Albert, 206
Coe, Mary M., 94, 189, 544
Coe, Nancy Jean, 340
Colclasure, Thelma R., 349
Cole, Briat, 122
Cole, James G., 122
Cole, John D., 122
Collins, John, 30, 404, 417
Collins, Junior, 225
Collins, Nellie (Ziegler), 225
Collins, Sam S., 225
Colorado, 129, 190, 219, 335, 336, 337, 340, 341, 378
Arapahoe County
Englewood, 335
Denver County
Denver, 190, 191, 193, 194, 276, 302,
312, 328, 335, 336, 339, 340, 341, 369
El Paso County
Colorado Springs, 219
Jefferson County
Golden, 340
Kit Carson County
Burlington, 335
Larimer County
Fort Collins, 312
Ouray County
Ouray, 303
Pueblo County
Pueblo, 369
Weld County
Greeley, 337
Yuma County
Eckley, 235
Columbia University, 255
Colvin, Ellamay, 141, 275
Colvin, Euceba (Davis), 275
Colvin, George W., 275
Combs, Carrie Louise (Hartley), 296
Combs, Henry A., 296
Combs, Irene Louise, 155, 296
Commander Abduli, 268
Conley, Mary Elizabeth (Kelly), 589
Connecticut, 539
Hartford County
Hartford, 185
Manchester, 185
Connelly, Henry C., 93
Conner, Nancy (Carson), 591
Conner, William, 591
Conrad, Eleanor May (Huss), xii, 338, 458
Conrad, Harold F., 338
Conrad, William, 579
Conway, Charlotte Delight (Vanderlip), 263
Conway, Joseph, 38
Conway, Norton, 263
Cook, Clive Newcomb, 325
Cook, Dr., 211
Cook, Ella, 601
Cook, Ellen (Lyman), 325
Cook, Fannie F., 363
Cook, Harriet Newell, 181, 325
Cook, James, 294
Cook, Jessie May (Cox), 294
Cook, Laura Malinda, 98
Cook, Livy (____), 187
Cook, Mabel M., 94, 187
Cook, Nerva L. (Cox), 238
Cook, Sarah, 601
Cook, William M., 187
Coolidge, Calvin, 328
Coomes, Laura Elizabeth (Cox), 238
Coomes, Verdi I. "Pop", 238
Coon, Alice, 122
Coon, Frank, 122
Coon, Helena Maria (Cox), 62, 122
Coon, John W., 212
Coon, Peter, 62, 122
Coon, Sidney W., 122
Cooper, Barbara, 332
Cooper, Golda Alice (Henderson), 292
Cooper, Laura Denise, xii
Cooper, Lawrance Everett, 292
Cooper, Mildred (Wilson), 388
Cooper, Ralph E., 388
Cord, E. L., 262
Corey, ____, 428
Cornell College, 252
Cornstalk, 556
Costandine, Hannah, 360
Costello, Anna Jane, 152, 291
Costello, Mary (McDermott), 291
Costello, Thomas, 291
Cotner University, 277
Cottingham, George J., 359
Cottingham, Grace Elizabeth (Sides), 217, 359
Cottingham, Rupert N., 217, 359
Cottingkon, Benjamin, 582
Cousin Bob, 16
Cowles, Lenora Jane (Knight), 173
Cowles, Newton E., 173, 537
Cox family, 408, 417
Cox, [son], 115, 330
Cox, Abraham, 1, 2, 12, 13
Cox, Abram, 542
Cox, Ada B., 214, 215
Cox, Ada Irene, 162, 309, 550
Cox, Ada Margaret, 307
Cox, Ada W., 61
Cox, Alan Willard, 390
Cox, Alban J., 98, 200, 460, 543
Cox, Alban Robert, 282
Cox, Albert Frederick, 204, 350
Cox, Albert L., 116
Cox, Albert Lee, 238, 378
Cox, Alexandra "Sandy" Kay (Buckley), 310
Cox, Alfred B., 65, 126, 452, 453, 460
Cox, Alice Ann, 72, 89, 98, 142, 433, 439, 443, 455, 456, 544
Cox, Alice Ann (Cox), 72, 142
Cox, Alice Clover, 131, 254, 541
Cox, Alice Elizabeth, 332
Cox, Alice Margaret, 342
Cox, Alice Mary (Weaver), 89, 183
Cox, Allen, 378
Cox, Alma, 357
Cox, Alma C. (Johnson), 199, 346
Cox, Alvah S., 359
Cox, Amelia Lovina, 106
Cox, Amy (Fleming), 21, 59, 85
Cox, Ann, 68, 111
Cox, Ann (Williamson), 45, 90, 442, 458
Cox, Ann Alberta, 236
Cox, Ann Matilda, 590
Cox, Anna Almira (Smith), 98, 204, 440, 544
Cox, Anna E. (Scott), 94, 189
Cox, Anna J. (Bovard), 98, 200
Cox, Anna Leone (Baker), 310
Cox, Anna M., 193, 338, 544
Cox, Anna S. (Allen), 107, 217, 545
Cox, Annabelle, 326
Cox, Annabelle (Reese), 89, 178
Cox, Anne, 1, 21, 51
Cox, Anne (Randolph), 312
Cox, Anne Elizabeth, 342
Cox, Arietta Pearl, 390
Cox, Arthur, 10, 12
Cox, Asa, 36, 433
Cox, Asa W., 59
Cox, Augustus Bird, 72, 448, 451, 452, 460, 543
Cox, Augustus D., 94, 189, 442, 452, 460, 470, 480, 541, 543, 544
Cox, Augustus David, 44, 45, 101, 102, 346, 540, 542, 544
Cox, Beatrice M., 248
Cox, Benjamin, 412
Cox, Benjamin F., 125
Cox, Berdy, 119
Cox, Berlista Mable (Kerchital), 147, 281
Cox, Bernard Keith, Jr., xii
Cox, Bernice Alberta, 294
Cox, Bert Howard, 250, 388
Cox, Bertha, 237, 377
Cox, Bertha M. (____), 238, 378
Cox, Bessie Belle (Richardson), 89, 178
Cox, Bessie Elizabeth (Azdell), 167, 312
Cox, Bette Ruth (Towner), 285
Cox, Betty F. (____), 294
Cox, Boma Fawn (DeJarnatt), 282
Cox, Burton H., 390
Cox, Carlton Frank, 155
Cox, Carol Loretta (Ward), 296
Cox, Caroline, 36, 101, 209, 433, 545
Cox, Caroline (Sutford), 65, 124
Cox, Caroline Anderson (Graham), 294
Cox, Caroline Anna, 207, 356
Cox, Carrie A. (Reed), 106, 210, 214
Cox, Cassie Davis, 90
Cox, Cassius Clay, 94, 195, 541, 542, 544
Cox, Cassius Elmer, 196, 343, 544
Cox, Catherine "Katie" (Sherwood), 89, 175
Cox, Catherine (Cull), 1, 2, 9, 14, 15, 542
Cox, Catherine (Van Norman), 218, 360
Cox, Cathleen Joann, 330
Cox, Cella Imogene, 149, 287, 544
Cox, Charity Elizabeth (Davis), 2, 13, 45, 440, 443, 543
Cox, Charlene Florence (Frost), 330
Cox, Charles Epperson, 2, 13, 14, 72, 129, 435, 439, 441, 451, 460, 541, 542,
543, 544, 545, 582, 603
Cox, Charles F., 117, 241
Cox, Charles Harrison, 204, 351
Cox, Charles Logan, 147, 286, 544
Cox, Charles Sellon, 131, 255, 543
Cox, Charles T., 117
Cox, Charlotte, 12, 117
Cox, Charmian G., 351
Cox, child, 202
Cox, Christine A., 382
Cox, Christine Ann, 540
Cox, Clara J., 98
Cox, Clara Rosanna, 203, 348
Cox, Clay, 9
Cox, Clay Everald, 7, 8, 9, 162, 308
Cox, Clifford, 141
Cox, Clinton Clyde, 155, 295, 445, 544
Cox, Clive Walter, 326
Cox, Clyde Milton, 336
Cox, Cora Belle, 206, 353, 544
Cox, Corinne, 117
Cox, Cornelia Mae, 351
Cox, Crittenden A., 62, 122, 453, 454, 460, 543
Cox, Daisie Marie, 294
Cox, Daisy, 436
Cox, Daisy Maude, 155, 544
Cox, Dale Lyle, 296
Cox, David, 3, 10, 12, 125
Cox, David A., 1, 3, 21, 43, 59, 85, 454, 542, 543
Cox, David Fletcher, 101, 206
Cox, David Marshall, 65, 127, 453
Cox, David Richard, 72
Cox, Dean Frederick, 307
Cox, Diana M. (Hammen), xii
Cox, Dollie Julia (Hill), 296
Cox, Donald Earl, 241
Cox, Dora E. (Wilson), 94, 189
Cox, Doris (Grayson), 390
Cox, Doris Goldie (Linstrom), 326
Cox, Dorothy Alice, 282
Cox, Dorothy C., 370
Cox, Dorothy E., 360
Cox, Dorothy Elinore, 343
Cox, Dorothy Harriet (Disher), 162, 309, 550
Cox, Dorothy W., 299
Cox, Dorthy (Merk), 390
Cox, Earl Joseph, 178, 324, 543
Cox, Earl Sylvester, 218, 360, 545
Cox, Earnest Lincoln, 107, 219, 541, 544, 545
Cox, Edgar H., 193
Cox, Edith, 237
Cox, Edna A., 62
Cox, Edna Gertrude, 205, 544
Cox, Edna Lucille (Dewey), 337
Cox, Edna R. (____), 116
Cox, Edward E. W., 125
Cox, Edward Marcellus, 344
Cox, Edward Sanford, 117, 240
Cox, Edythe Mary Grace, 218, 360, 545
Cox, Effie, 117, 241
Cox, Eileen, 379
Cox, Elaine Eleanor, 287
Cox, Eliza, 77, 151, 442
Cox, Eliza Ann, 62
Cox, Eliza Edna, 162, 301
Cox, Elizabeth, 12
Cox, Elizabeth (Dalhouse), 72, 148, 544
Cox, Elizabeth (Thomas), 72, 132
Cox, Elizabeth Augusta, 284
Cox, Elizabeth E., 116
Cox, Elizabeth M., 234
Cox, Elizabeth Martyn (Wills), 147, 283
Cox, Elizabeth Mary, xii, 313
Cox, Elizabeth P. (Naylor), 55, 115
Cox, Ella, 237
Cox, Ellen, 125
Cox, Ellen Josephine, 307, 550
Cox, Ellen Margaret (Patterson), 77, 160, 550
Cox, Elmer Cecil, 352
Cox, Elmer Sutton, 155, 293
Cox, Elsa Ann (Sellers), 21
Cox, Elsa E., 119
Cox, Elvira Ruth (Neeley), 294
Cox, Emeline, 119
Cox, Emeline Elizabeth (Emma), 94, 193, 544
Cox, Emil E., 240
Cox, Emma, 116
Cox, Emma Alice, 115, 234
Cox, Emma C. A. (Sharpe), 122
Cox, Emma Elizabeth, 337
Cox, Emma Elizabeth (Pardee), 94, 190
Cox, Emma Jane (Card), 284
Cox, Emma Louisa (Willey), 128, 249
Cox, Emmazeta, 218
Cox, Ephraim, 10
Cox, Ernest Lester, 333
Cox, Ernest Samuel, 166
Cox, Essie I., 188, 333
Cox, Esther Vivian (McKeighan), 250, 388
Cox, Eugene Richard, 131, 541
Cox, Eugenia (Senior), 330
Cox, Eunice Marguerite (Robertson), 336
Cox, Evelyn N., 241
Cox, Everald Sylvester, 77, 164, 544, 545
Cox, Everett McEown, 351
Cox, Ezekiel, 12
Cox, Faye Elizabeth (Godfrey), 359
Cox, Fern, 350
Cox, Fletcher, 36, 433
Cox, Flora Belle (Beck), 107, 219, 545
Cox, Florence Gertrude, 296
Cox, Florence Luella (MacKinnon), 147, 284
Cox, Florence M. (Dunn), 330
Cox, Florence Maude, 193, 338, 544
Cox, Florinda A. (Smith), 101, 207, 544
Cox, Floyd Augustus, 359
Cox, Forest C., 236
Cox, Forest E., 237
Cox, Franceo, 328
Cox, Frances Lucile, 299
Cox, Francine Elaine (Langell), 390
Cox, Francis (Frank) Marion, 106, 215
Cox, Francis H., 358
Cox, Frank, 112
Cox, Frank Dewey, 337
Cox, Frank L., 188
Cox, Frank Lester, 191, 335
Cox, Franklin, 36, 59, 433
Cox, Franklin Robert, 162, 302, 442, 550
Cox, Fred Augustus, 147, 283, 544
Cox, Fred Edgar, 190, 334, 544
Cox, Fred Wills, 284
Cox, Frederic Byrd, 199, 346, 544
Cox, Gabriel, 8, 10, 12
Cox, Genevieve Cecile (Kososki), 297
Cox, Genevieve Sherwood, 178
Cox, George, 125, 240
Cox, George Rue, 147, 443, 544
Cox, George Samuel, 310
Cox, George W., 116, 124, 248, 373
Cox, George Washington, 115, 237
Cox, Georgia A. (Rose), 188, 333
Cox, Gerald Burton, xii, 285, 456, 541
Cox, Gertrude (Elliott), 218, 359, 545
Cox, Gertrude F. (or M.) (Asher), 199, 346
Cox, Gladys Belle, 336
Cox, Gladys Sarah, 149, 288, 544
Cox, Glenn L., 219, 545
Cox, Gloria (Crampton), 358
Cox, Goldie M., 237
Cox, Grace (____), 237, 377
Cox, Grace Lillian (Samuel), 331
Cox, Grace M., 360
Cox, Grace Mary, 136
Cox, Greba, 378
Cox, Gwendolyn M. (Cox), 296
Cox, Hallie Hyacinth (Transue), 162, 309
Cox, Harley V., 237
Cox, Harriet (Scott), 205, 352
Cox, Harriet E., 207
Cox, Harriet E. (Smith), 101, 206
Cox, Harriet Elaine (Brauch), 390
Cox, Harriet Newell (Cook), 181, 325
Cox, Harriett Elizabeth (Epperson), 77, 164, 544
Cox, Harriette R., 351
Cox, Harry, 190
Cox, Hattie Augusta, 199
Cox, Hazel Dora, 206, 353, 544
Cox, Hazel Edna, 307
Cox, Hazel Ethel, 218, 360, 545
Cox, Hazel May (Adams), 204, 350
Cox, Hazel May (Swanson), 178, 324
Cox, Hearled I., 359
Cox, Helen (Gordon), 155, 295
Cox, Helen (Inglis), 162, 302, 550
Cox, Helen (Markovitz-Holmes), 237
Cox, Helen Frances (Shulla), 351
Cox, Helen Gonziga (Durkin), 190, 334, 544
Cox, Helen M. (Owens), 94, 190
Cox, Helen Marion, 334
Cox, Helen Mildred, 326
Cox, Helena Maria, 62, 122
Cox, Henry Augustus, 216, 358
Cox, Henry Miller, 12
Cox, Hettie Augusta (Arcularius), 94, 197, 544
Cox, Hildreth D. (Larson), 219
Cox, Hill, 209
Cox, Hill Kirby, 94, 191, 451, 454, 458, 460, 543, 544
Cox, Hiram Sanford, 2, 9, 72, 98, 142, 437, 438, 439, 443, 454, 456, 460, 464,
465, 541, 542, 543, 544
Cox, Howard Duane, 295, 544
Cox, Huldah Ann, 115, 233, 374
Cox, Ida Madge (Leslie), 209, 356, 545
Cox, Ida May, 128, 248
Cox, Irene Catherine, 326
Cox, Irene Childress (Ashley), 360
Cox, Irene E. (Longnecker), 116
Cox, Irene Louise (Combs), 155, 296
Cox, Irvin Silvester, 107, 217, 541, 544, 545
Cox, Isaac, 8, 10, 12, 13, 65
Cox, Isaac S., 13
Cox, Israel Fletcher, 59
Cox, Israel H., 1, 3, 18, 21, 65, 84, 85, 542, 543
Cox, Iva Belle (Amy), 191, 335
Cox, Iva Irene, 218
Cox, Iva Lee (Grinnell), 162, 312, 550
Cox, Ivy (Lee), 351
Cox, Ivy Lorene (Evans), 282
Cox, James, 1, 3, 10, 21, 53, 384, 542, 543
Cox, James Everett, 344
Cox, James H., 115
Cox, James Harvey, 55, 119
Cox, James L., 98, 202, 379, 460, 543, 544
Cox, James Laurence, 115, 235
Cox, James Richardson, 308
Cox, Jane Louise, 342
Cox, Jane Sybil, 326
Cox, Jane Wilhelmina (Sutton), 77, 153, 441, 544
Cox, Jarad L., 207
Cox, Jason Joseph, 94, 197, 541, 542, 544
Cox, Jason Reed, 346
Cox, Jay A., 178
Cox, Jean Bird, 196, 341, 542, 543, 544
Cox, Jean Louise (Jeffries), 344
Cox, Jennifer Dawn (Ellis), 379
Cox, Jeremiah, 406, 411, 412, 416, 417
Cox, Jeremiah Littleton, 36, 45, 99, 434, 442, 451, 452, 460, 542, 543
Cox, Jeremiah Washington, 209, 356, 545
Cox, Jerome Lee, 162, 309, 550
Cox, Jerome Lee, Jr., 310, 550
Cox, Jerry, 391
Cox, Jesse Fredric, 205, 352, 544
Cox, Jesse Lewis, 2, 33, 45, 94, 142, 443, 455, 527, 542, 543
Cox, Jessie, 327
Cox, Jessie Bell, 181
Cox, Jessie Gertrude (Andre), 147, 281
Cox, Jessie May, 282, 294
Cox, Jewel (Todd), 251, 391
Cox, Joan, 326
Cox, Joann, 391
Cox, John, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 21, 23, 31, 36, 39, 55, 65,
232, 405, 406, 409, 410, 416, 427, 433, 542, 543
Cox, John Elwin, 241
Cox, John Frederick, 162, 304, 442, 550
Cox, John George, 282
Cox, John N., 105
Cox, John Neil, 72, 148, 437, 440, 443, 444, 447, 448, 544, 545
Cox, John R., 117
Cox, John S., 55, 115
Cox, John Samuel, 112
Cox, John Simpson, 2, 3, 89, 183, 443
Cox, John W., 115, 331
Cox, John Washington, 33, 42, 45, 74, 84, 434, 435, 442, 444, 455, 540, 542,
Cox, John Wesley, 77, 157, 443, 452, 460, 543
Cox, John, Jr., 19
Cox, Jonathan, 56
Cox, Joseph, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 21, 23, 24, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44,
52, 396, 397, 398, 399, 402, 403, 413, 427, 430,
433, 435, 436, 451, 453, 462, 514, 515, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 583, 584,
585, 586
Cox, Joseph Bird, 36, 42, 45, 89, 90, 434, 440, 442, 458, 542, 543
Cox, Joseph D., 98, 527
Cox, Joseph Eddie, 147, 284, 544
Cox, Joseph Edward, 196, 341, 544
Cox, Joseph F., 12
Cox, Joseph Franklin, 77, 153, 435, 436, 437, 441, 442, 444, 445, 449, 455,
456, 460, 543, 544, 545
Cox, Joseph Levi, 89, 175
Cox, Joseph Rue, 72, 132, 445, 447, 448, 449, 452, 454, 460, 543
Cox, Joseph Sanford, 181, 325
Cox, Josephine (Young), 330
Cox, Josephine Rue, 136, 271
Cox, Josie F., 166
Cox, Jud, 356
Cox, Julia Ann, 115, 235
Cox, Julia Ann (Pierson), 55, 114
Cox, Julia Etta, 72, 149, 444
Cox, Julia Layn, xii
Cox, Julia Nellie, 330
Cox, Juliett (Williamson), 45, 74, 442
Cox, Kate (____), 89, 185
Cox, Katherine (Cleveland), 330
Cox, Kathleen Jennie (Hasty), 181, 328
Cox, Kenneth, 241
Cox, Kenneth Charles, 285
Cox, Kenneth Hiram, 147, 284
Cox, Kenneth Lewis, 282
Cox, Laura (McHenry), 106, 215
Cox, Laura E., 190, 358
Cox, Laura Elizabeth, 238
Cox, Laura Jane, 128, 251
Cox, Laura Malinda (Cook), 98, 202
Cox, Laura Ruth, 282
Cox, Laurena, 115
Cox, Lavirne Elzie, 360
Cox, Leathie E., 237
Cox, Lee Elsy, 218, 545
Cox, Leslie Lyle, 308, 550
Cox, Letitia, 55, 119
Cox, Levina (Fleming), 45
Cox, Lewis Richard, 147, 281
Cox, Lillian, 359
Cox, Lillian (Young), 131
Cox, Lillian F., 295
Cox, Lillian M. (Carroll), 184, 331
Cox, Lillian Mary, 209, 544
Cox, Lillie Margaret (Blackburn), 115, 237
Cox, Lizzie (Markley), 116
Cox, Lloyd Levi, 337
Cox, Louise Christine, 184, 332
Cox, Louise E. (Lothridge), 178, 324
Cox, Lucia May, 162
Cox, Lucinda, 59
Cox, Lucy "Irene" (Moore), 238, 378
Cox, Lucy Alice, 331
Cox, Lucy Bee, 326
Cox, Lucy Pauline, 207, 354
Cox, Luke Stephen, 303, 550
Cox, Lula Bell, 236, 376
Cox, Lydia E. (____), 181, 327
Cox, Lydia L., 167
Cox, Lyle Elroy, 294
Cox, Mabel, 240
Cox, Mabel A., 178
Cox, Mabel E. (Gorton), 216, 358
Cox, Mabel M. (Cook), 94, 187
Cox, Mabel Miller, 149, 544
Cox, Mabel Narcissa, 43, 131, 257, 541
Cox, Madge Eloise (Schnetzler), 237
Cox, Margaret, 115
Cox, Margaret (Madge) Blanche, 199, 344, 544
Cox, Margaret (Snodgrass), 55, 119
Cox, Margaret E. (Bovard), 106, 215
Cox, Margaret Emily (Bangs), 288
Cox, Margaret Eugenie (Simpson), 155, 293
Cox, Margaret Florence (Kinsey), 240, 382
Cox, Margaret Irene (Arcularius), 94, 195, 544
Cox, Margaret J., 119
Cox, Margaret Jane, 55, 113, 297
Cox, Margreta (Muentsch), 297
Cox, Marguerite Grace Ruth, 307
Cox, Marguerite Theresa (Marcellus), 196, 343
Cox, Marian Ione (Edwards), 285
Cox, Marjorie Lucille, 295, 544
Cox, Mark Joseph, 330
Cox, Martha, 303
Cox, Martha (Moffat), 21, 55
Cox, Martha A., 116, 240
Cox, Martha E. (Poffenberger), 116, 239
Cox, Martha Jane, 115, 238
Cox, Mary, 36, 59, 120, 308, 433
Cox, Mary (Freeland), 45, 99
Cox, Mary (Rue), 3, 21, 23, 36, 42, 43, 396, 433, 451, 453, 462, 514, 515,
540, 541, 543, 544, 583, 584, 585, 586
Cox, Mary (Tobin), 106, 210
Cox, Mary A., 116
Cox, Mary Ann, 1, 6, 36, 45, 107, 527, 540, 543, 544
Cox, Mary Belle (Chamberlin), 155, 295
Cox, Mary Brazula, 282
Cox, Mary Caroline, 90, 186
Cox, Mary E., 65, 112
Cox, Mary E. (____), 117, 240
Cox, Mary Elizabeth, 72, 98, 138, 199, 444
Cox, Mary Elizabeth (Kern), 65, 127, 453
Cox, Mary Ellen, 94, 115, 232
Cox, Mary Ellen (Martin), 115
Cox, Mary Elma (Sorrowfree), 147, 284
Cox, Mary Frances (Magner), 77, 157
Cox, Mary Grace, 337
Cox, Mary Helen, 343
Cox, Mary J., 119
Cox, Mary Jane (Looker) (Jack), 45, 95
Cox, Mary Lee, xii, 310, 540, 550
Cox, Mary Leslie "Monnie" (Wright), 331
Cox, Mary Louisa, 125
Cox, Mary Lovina, 147, 285, 432, 438, 544
Cox, Mary Lulu, 207, 355
Cox, Mary M., 94, 189, 544
Cox, Mary Margaret (MacKenzie), 285
Cox, May (____), 89, 185
Cox, May (Ashdown), 188, 332
Cox, Melinda, 55, 112
Cox, Melville W., 116, 239
Cox, Michael, 19, 51
Cox, Michael Lee, 379
Cox, Mildred (Love), 326
Cox, Mildred Annabelle (Wondra), 307
Cox, Mildred Irene, 359
Cox, Mildred M. (____), 124, 248
Cox, Miles Augustus, 107
Cox, Milton A., 125
Cox, Milton Richardson, 181, 327
Cox, Minnie A., 117
Cox, Minnie Estella, 294
Cox, Minnie Isadore, 128, 252
Cox, Minnie Josephine (Peterson), 196, 341
Cox, Minnie Ruth, 207, 356
Cox, Minora Jane, 116, 239
Cox, Morris Howard, 334
Cox, Moses, 1, 3, 10, 12, 21, 41, 62, 65, 67, 84, 453, 542
Cox, Moses A., 115
Cox, Moses H., 65
Cox, Myra E., 207, 354
Cox, Myrtle, 218
Cox, Myrtle Lena, 166, 544
Cox, Nadine Gayle, 337
Cox, Nancy, 125
Cox, Nancy Elsie (Travasos), 312
Cox, Nancy L. (Seyler), 308
Cox, Nancy S. (Lewark), 55, 114
Cox, Narcissa M. (Woods), 72, 129
Cox, Nathan, 55, 114
Cox, Neil Pleasant, 357, 545
Cox, Nellie Grace, 160, 300
Cox, Nellie Mae, 193, 337, 544
Cox, Nerva L., 238
Cox, Nina D., 191, 334
Cox, Nina F. Pearl (Nickerson), 205, 352
Cox, Nona (Jump), 282
Cox, Norman Peter, 284
Cox, Norman Sanford, 184, 332
Cox, Olga (Lewis), 308
Cox, Olive Frances (Richardson), 162, 307
Cox, Olive Hazel (May), 183, 330
Cox, Orson Henry, 7, 162, 312, 550
Cox, Osborn Milton, 94, 190
Cox, Paul A., 237
Cox, Paul Flemming, 89, 185
Cox, Paul Weaver, 184, 331
Cox, Paul Weaver, Jr., 331
Cox, Pearl, 218
Cox, Pearl E. (Schegg), 181, 327
Cox, Pearl Stella, 251
Cox, Percival Paul, 183, 330
Cox, Percival Paul, Jr., 330
Cox, Phyllis (Smith), 344
Cox, Phyllis J., 382
Cox, Pleasant Freeland, 101, 207, 442, 452, 461, 541, 543, 544
Cox, Rachel, 45, 77, 543
Cox, Ralph C., 190
Cox, Ralph Lewis, 181, 328
Cox, Raymond, 188, 333
Cox, Rebecca (Clearwater), 65
Cox, Rebecca (Gillespie), 45, 101, 543, 544, 545
Cox, Regina (Hussey), 240
Cox, Richard Hiram, 282
Cox, Richard Rue, 32, 39, 44, 45, 65, 69, 428, 435, 436, 437, 438, 440, 441,
443, 444, 448, 455, 540, 542, 543, 585
Cox, Rilla Belle (Carter), 162, 304, 550
Cox, Robert Burdette, 346
Cox, Robert Dakota, 326
Cox, Robert Leslie, 240, 381
Cox, Robert Lincoln, 131
Cox, Robert Norman, 331
Cox, Robert S., 13
Cox, Roberta Jean (Gramm), 303
Cox, Rodney Tyler, 330
Cox, Rosella (Rose) Jane, 106, 216
Cox, Rosella May, 204, 350, 544
Cox, Roy Earl, 237, 377
Cox, Roy Edward, 251
Cox, Rozelle Lincoln (Chew), 196, 343
Cox, Ruby Myrtle, 250, 388
Cox, Russell Stuart, 390
Cox, Russell Waldo, 251, 391
Cox, Ruth, 251, 390
Cox, Ruth Anna, 55, 117
Cox, Ruth E., 241
Cox, Ruth Rebecca (Hollister), 357
Cox, Samuel Kirby, 77, 160, 162, 307, 308, 441, 442, 443, 540, 545
Cox, Sandford, 330
Cox, Sandford Cull, 1, 2, 3, 6, 14, 18, 23, 32, 35, 36, 39, 45, 66, 79, 89,
181, 395, 411, 440, 443, 451, 542, 543, 551, 568,
576, 584, 585
Cox, Sarah, 55, 112, 113, 147, 209
Cox, Sarah (Hurst), 21, 62
Cox, Sarah (Jackson), 94, 191, 544
Cox, Sarah (Jennings), 45, 94, 142
Cox, Sarah (Rider), 21, 65
Cox, Sarah Caroline, 59
Cox, Sarah Catherine, 45, 72, 109, 514, 515, 525, 526, 540, 543
Cox, Sarah E., 125
Cox, Sarah E. (Duggins), 55, 115
Cox, Sarah Emma, 136, 263
Cox, Sarah L., 62
Cox, Sarah Lamb (Epperson), 45, 69, 443
Cox, Sarah Maria, 203, 349
Cox, Sarah Marilla, 131
Cox, Sarah N. (Davis), 65
Cox, Sarah Rebecca, 128, 249
Cox, Selma Lucille, 237, 378
Cox, Sharyn Lee, xii, 312, 550
Cox, Sheldon E., 297
Cox, Sidney Eugene, 204
Cox, Solomon, 55, 112
Cox, son, 62, 205
Cox, Stanley Wallace, 390
Cox, Stella, 178
Cox, Stella Ruth, 333
Cox, Stephen Danforth, 12
Cox, Susan Charity (Riel), 147, 286
Cox, Susan Nelson (Johnson), 184, 332
Cox, Susana (Peters), 21, 65
Cox, Susannah (____), 45, 69
Cox, T. Lyle, 155, 298, 544
Cox, Theodore Fred Augustus, 282
Cox, Theodore N., 77
Cox, Thomas, 236
Cox, Thomas Disher, 310, 550
Cox, Thomas Grinnell, xii, 312, 550
Cox, Thomas Milton, 128, 249
Cox, Treva, 155, 297
Cox, Ursell Wilbert, 237
Cox, Violet, 294
Cox, Violet May, 350
Cox, Virginia (Lopez), 330
Cox, Virginia Borden (Moore), 89, 181
Cox, Virginia Iowa, 125
Cox, Virginia Olive, 330
Cox, Walter Edward, 184
Cox, Walter Hallowell, 89, 178, 542, 544
Cox, Walter K., 155, 296
Cox, Walter S., 190, 544
Cox, Wanda (Wicker), 337
Cox, Washington R., 94, 451, 452, 460, 543
Cox, Wayne K., 296
Cox, Wayne Robert, 285
Cox, Wilford Franklin, 294
Cox, Wilhelmina Gertrude, 155, 444, 449, 544
Cox, William Allen, 167, 312, 544
Cox, William Edwin, 98, 204, 439, 440, 544
Cox, William F, 545
Cox, William F., 218, 359
Cox, William H., 65, 103, 124, 453
Cox, William Lester, 188, 332
Cox, William N., 116
Cox, William O., 105, 106, 210, 212,
Cox, Williamson M., 94, 187, 442, 460, 542, 543, 544
Cox, Williamson Sanford, 77
Cox, Wilma (Smith), 155, 298
Cox, Winnifred Alice, 160, 299
Cox, Zella May (Self), 282
Cox. Bernard Keith, 390
Crabtree, Yvonne F., 370
Craig family, 417
Craig, Peter Stebbins, 1, 11
Crampton, Gloria, 358
Crawford, Colonel, 555, 565
Creel, Alice H. (Rue), 604
Creel, Heber M., 604
Cresap, Michael, 560
Crist ____, 420
Crist family, 417
Crompton, F. E., 95
Cryst, John, 32
Crystal, Elizabeth, 6
Cuba, 261
Cull, Catherine, 1, 2, 9, 14, 15, 542
Cull, Hugh, 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 31, 44, 51, 55, 62, 405, 410, 416, 417
Cull, James, 15
Cull, John, 5
Cull, Major, 542
Cull, Rachel (Meek), 3
Cull, Samuel, 5
Cull, Thomas, 5
Cull, William, 6
Cullom, Governor, 130
Cummins, Rachel, 235, 238
Curtis, Carl T., 328
Curtis, James A., 60
Cutler, Alice May, 577
Cuzick, William, 32