Oaks, Elizabeth (Carson), 591
Oaks, Noah, 591
O'Conner, Charles, 90
O'Conner, Charles J., 186
O'Conner, Mary Caroline (Cox), 90, 186
O'Connor, Allan Wilson, 187
O'Cull Thornton, 6
O'Cull, Elizabeth (Crystal), 6
O'Cull, Elizabeth Masterson, 6
O'Cull, Hugh, 6
O'Cull, James, 6
O'Cull, Joseph, 6
O'Cull, Lemuel Green, 6
O'Cull, Margaret, 6
O'Cull, Sarah (Farrow), 6
O'Cull, Sarah Jeffers, 6
Ogle, ____, 33
O'Harra, Patrick, 24, 29, 397, 400, 403, 404, 583
Ohio, 55, 68, 94, 97, 99, 112, 113, 114, 115, 172, 242, 334, 339, 373, 379, 380,
382, 383, 399
Butler County
Hamilton, 24, 397
Rossville, 24, 397
Chillicothe, 558, 580
Cuyahoga County
Cleveland, 148, 237
Darke County, 115, 234, 239, 374
Fort Recovery, 235, 238
German township, 114
Greenville, 4, 407, 408
Jackson, 114
Jackson township, 116
Union City, 240
Franklin County
Camp Chase, 232
Columbus, 61, 378
Greene County
Beavercreek, 241
Hamilton County
Cincinnati, 18, 123, 378, 397, 412,
422, 425, 583
Hancock County
Marion township, 377
Henry County
Bartelow township, 376
Jefferson County
Steubenville, 293
Knox County
Mount Vernon, 377
Lucas County
Toledo, 558
Marion County
Marion, 600
Montgomery County, 56, 77, 381
Brookeville, 381
Dayton, 115, 117, 172, 232, 240, 241,
378, 381, 382, 413, 425
Kettering, 241
Perry township, 239
Paulding County, 237, 377, 378
Brown township, 236
Oakwood, 236, 237, 377
Perry County
New Lexington, 413
Preble County, 51, 53, 54, 61, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122, 231,
235, 239, 240, 241
Campbellstown, 115, 594
Dixon township, 115, 119
Eaton, 53, 112, 113, 115, 116, 119,
232, 233, 238, 239, 240, 373, 381, 382, 412, 413, 414, 425
El Dorado, 234, 381
Gasper township, 115, 116
Gettysburgh, 61
Gratis, 240
Gratis township, 60
Jackson township, 594
Jefferson township, 61, 241
Monroe, 119
New Paris, 3, 44, 59, 61, 114, 122,
379, 454
New Westville, 594
Twin township, 116, 239, 381
Washington township, 54, 55, 112,
114, 115, 116, 117, 239, 241, 381
West Elkton, 117
Putnam County
Belmore, 376
Liberty township, 377
Vanburen township, 376
West Belmore, 376
Wa-puc-ca-nat-ta, 556, 558, 565, 566
Warren County
Lebanon, 412
Wayne County, 271
Ohio Wesleyan University, 378
Oklahoma, 190, 298, 314, 330
Fort Sill
Camp Doniphan, 308
Jefferson County
Cornish, 596
Kiowa County
Dill township, 125
Oklahoma County
Oklahoma City, 155
Okmulgee County
Okmulgee, 183, 330
Seminole County
Konawa, 596
Tulsa County
Jenks, 589
Oldham, William, 582
Olson, Johannah, 379
Olson, Mabel, 238, 379
Olson, Olaf, 379
Omerod, J. P., 267
Oregon, 514, 518, 522, 523, 529
Deschutes County
Bend, 364
Douglas County
Canyonville, 524
Oakland, 524
Roseburg, 308, 524
Jackson County
Ashland, 524
Harboys, 524
Jacksonville, 524
Phoenix, 524
Josephine County
Grants Pass, 225
Wolf Creek, 308
Klamath County
Klamath Falls, 322
Lane County, 225
Eugene, 226, 364
Franklin, 225, 519, 524, 526
Richardson precinct, 225
Lincoln County
Yachats, 282
Malheur County
Ontario, 339
Marion County, 354
Multnomah County
Gresham, 307
Portland, 294, 354, 385
Troutdale, 307
Umatilla County
Pendleton, 247
Willamette Valley, 226
Yamhill County
Amity, 282
Newberg, 282, 285
O'Reilly, Monica Anne (McCormick), xii
Osborn, Archie, 368
Osborn, Clara, 338
Osborn, Marcus B., 103
Osborn, Mary Opal (Vanderwalker), 368
Otte, Robert, 278
Otter, Sarah Sedonia, 328
Ouderkirk, Welman, 302
Ouderkirk, Zelma (Logsdon), 302
Overman family, 417
Overman, Albert J., 601
Overman, Alice (Larison), 601
Overman, Elijah, 601
Overman, Ellen (Larison), 601
Overman, Ephraim, 415, 600
Overman, Ephraim, Jr., 600
Overman, Jesse, 600, 601
Overman, John R., 601
Overman, Keziah (Stubbs), 600, 601
Overman, Lindley B., 601
Overman, Ludora, 601
Overman, Lydia, 594, 600, 603
Overman, Lydia (Rue), 600
Overman, Martha Ann (Macy), 601
Overman, Rachel J., 601
Overman, Rebecca, 601
Overman, Ruth Ann, 600
Overman, Susannah (Rue), 601
Owens, Helen M., 94, 190
Owens, Norma Mae (Knight), 324
Owens, William P., 324
Owings, Amanda Evelyn, 388
Owings, Chambers, 174
Owings, Minnie E. (Allison), 79, 174
Pace, Eleanor J., 392
Pace, Letha O., 392
Pace, Marjorie A., 392
Pace, Melvin O., 252, 392
Pace, Vera H. (Howland), 252, 392
Paice, ____, 130
Panama Canal Zone, 340
Cristobal, 378
Fort Davis Post, 378
Pancost, ____, 468
Pardee, Amos Bronson, 190
Pardee, Elizabeth (Burrell), 190
Pardee, Emma Elizabeth, 94, 190
Park, O. H., 299
Parke, Benjamin, 426
Parke, J. G., 521
Parker, Elizabeth, 596
Parker, Ephraim, 91, 103
Parkhouse, Clyde A., 218, 360
Parkhouse, Edythe Mary Grace (Cox), 218, 360
Parkhouse, Mary Lucile, 361
Parks family, 466
Parrish, Sarah, 315
Parsons, Beatrice M. (Cox), 248
Parsons, George M., 248
Partin, Alva Lyle, 366
Partin, Emma Obelia (Perry), 227, 366
Partin, F. Belle, 227
Partin, George W., 227
Partin, Grace Alice (Mefford), 366
Partin, Mary Josephine (Kirby), 110, 226, 514, 515, 520, 524, 525
Partin, Thomas L., 366
Partin, Thomas S., 110, 226, 514, 515, 525
Partin, Thomas Samuel, 227, 366, 515, 520, 525, 526, 529, 533
Partin, Walter E., 227
Patten, Capt., 580
Patterson, Allene Doris (Fowler), 372
Patterson, Elizabeth (Stitt), 160
Patterson, Ellen Margaret, 77, 160
Patterson, Franklin, 160
Patterson, Kalfus W., 372
Patterson, Mary Louise (Thomas), 274
Patterson, Ralph Farrell, 274
Patton, Laura, 520
Paulson, Annie A. (Davenport), 601
Paulson, Richard, 601
Payton, Kathryn, 293
Peacock, Lillian, 368
Pearson, ____, 387
Pearson, Alta L. (Knight), 318
Pearson, Ewing Collette, 318
Pearson, Joel, 114
Pearson, Lynn C., xii
Pearson, Moses, 114
Pearson, Norma Jane (Emert), 387
Pease, Janet, xii
Peck, Martha Waldo, 131
Pedersen, Evelyn Bates, 298
Pedersen, Laura Imogene, 298
Pendegrass, Garret, 580
Pendleton family, 405
Penn, Lynn C. (Pearson), xii
Pennsylvania, 6, 9, 14, 69, 77, 95, 111, 117, 122, 169, 173, 191, 193, 210, 215,
217, 225, 228, 234, 248, 289, 363, 412, 415, 542,
Adams County
Camp Colt, 310
Gettysburg, 302, 310
Allegheny County
Pittsburgh, 425, 576, 581
Armstrong County
South Buffalo, 208
Bucks County, 571, 573, 575, 576
Bensalem, 572, 573
Doylestown, 577
Middletown, 573
Chester County, 189
Westchester, 232
Cumberland County, 5
Fayette County
Brownsville, 1, 132, 427
Redstone Fort, 427
Redstone Old Fort, 1
Uniontown, 6
Indiana County, 151
Armstrong township, 292
Lackawanna County
Scranton, 254, 283, 284
Lehigh County
Allentown, 274
Luzerne County
Ashley, 283
Pittston, 283
Mercer County
Greenville, 129
Monongahela County, 569, 579
Montgomery County
Abington, 1
Philadelphia County
Philadelphia, 124, 186, 187, 538, 576
Susquehanna County
Montrose, 283
Washington County, 6
Brownsville, 14
California, 138
Red Stone, 3
Wyoming County
Nicholson, 283
York County
York, 177
Penor/Pfenall, Elizabeth, 278
Perry, Emanuel Lee, 366
Perry, Emma Obelia, 227, 366
Perry, Sarah (Lawson), 366
Person, dau, 300
Person, Henry J., 160, 299
Person, Jason, 299
Person, Joseph, 600
Person, Mary, 300
Person, Nellie Amanda, 300
Person, Sarah J. (Davenport), 600
Person, Sarah Jane (Miller), 299
Person, Winnifred Alice (Cox), 160, 299
Peru, 254
Peru Normal School, 369
Peru State Teachers College, 275
Peters, Clifford, 238, 380
Peters, Clifford Samuel, 380
Peters, Ellen, 600
Peters, Estella Marie (Bell), 238, 380
Peters, Jacob, 86
Peters, Susana, 21, 65
Peterson, ____, 354
Peterson, Dorothy, 324
Peterson, Ernst, 356
Peterson, John August, 341
Peterson, Marilyn (Riley), 354
Peterson, Minnie Josephine, 196, 341
Peterson, Sophia Christina (Nelson), 341
Peterson, Velma Lorence (Capper), 355
Petrie, ____, 435
Petrie, Alexander P., 76, 159
Petry, Ferdinand, 119
Petry, Mary, 119
Pettigrew, Senator, 182
Phenis, Albert C., 320
Phenis, Elwood David, 173, 320
Phenis, Ida Maria (Knight), 173, 320
Phenix, Nellie Amanda (Person), 300
Phenix, Oswald Arthur, 300
Phileo, ____, 429, 430
Philippines, 297, 543
Manila, 256
Mindanao, 256
Sulu, 256
Pickrel, ____, 335
Pickrel, Claire A. (Samsen), 335
Pierce, Emma L., 252
Pierson family, 500
Pierson, Bill, 497, 498, 501, 502
Pierson, David, 114
Pierson, Hannah, 114
Pierson, Julia Ann, 55, 114
Pike, Anetta Seralda, 290
Pike, Charles Ernest, 150, 289
Pike, Elsie May, 150, 289
Pike, Essie Lenora, 290
Pike, Grace (Neal), 150, 289
Pike, Hazel Grace, 290
Pike, Julia Etta (Cox), 72, 149
Pike, Mabel Grace, 150, 290
Pike, Mildred Bernice, 290
Pike, Nedra Ann (Lambourne), 290
Pike, Thomas, 72, 149
Pike, Thomas Clifton, 290
Pike, William, 150
Pingree, Hazen S., 177
Pinnell, Doris Loine (Knight), 318
Pinnell, Oliver J., 318
Pinney Henry Clinton, 339
Pinney, Charles Gregory, 194, 339
Pinney, Claudia M., 339
Pinney, Cora Emma (Morton), 194, 339
Pinney, Corwin Alexander, 339
Pitcher, Benton A., 226, 364
Pitcher, Benton Alexander, 364
Pitcher, Edith Mary Melvina (Baker), 226, 364
Pitcher, Leonard Arthur, 364
Pittman, Hampshire, 420
Pitzer, F. W., 326
Plummer, ____, 417, 426
Plummer, Doctor, 426
Poffenberger, Martha E., 116, 239
Poor, Lewis Thomas, 371
Poor, Virginia Clair (Jesse), 371
Post, C. W., 185
Poteet, Margaret May (Henderson), 292
Poteet, Roy Earl, 292
Potter, Zara, 222
Powell, Martha, 132, 138
Powell, Ruben J., 122
Power, Dorothy Naomie (Skelton), 353
Power, Hiram Blaker, 353
Prather, ____, 417
Price, Charles, 212
Price, Elva M., 355
Priebe, Elmer Gustav, 289
Priebe, Mary Jean (Frankenburger), 289
Prieshoff, Arline (Dill), 354
Prieshoff, John, 354
Pritchet, John, 590
Prowant, J. W., 144
Puerto Rico, 189, 297, 334
Ponce, 334
Pugmire, Maybell, 290
Pula, Connie Lee (McCord), xii
Pulitzer, Joseph, 371
Purdue, Alonzo, 248, 388
Purdue, Lizzie M. (Justice), 248, 388
Purdue, Lylian, 388
Purdue, Myrtle C., 388
Purdy, Eisenhart, 591
Queen's College, 255
Quinn, Bertha, 233
Raddatz, Edward, 391
Ragan, Billy, 470, 471
Railsback, David, 21, 51, 53, 417
Railsback, Enoch, 16
Railsback, Fred H., 358
Railsback, Sarah, 53
Rambo, ____, 417
Ramsey, Alice, 378
Ramsey, W. H., 265
Ranck, John A., 18, 31
Randolph, Anne, 312
Randolph, Thomas, 415
Rankin, Anne Elizabeth (Cox), 342
Rankin, Jack, 342
Ransford, ____, 469
Ransford, B. F., 97
Ransford, Charlotte, 603
Ransford, Cynthia, 603
Ransford, Eleanor (Rue), 584, 585, 587, 601
Ransford, Eliza, 603
Ransford, Franklin, 603
Ransford, Harriet, 602
Ransford, Helen, 602
Ransford, Henry, 585, 592, 603
Ransford, Henry Collins, 584, 587, 601
Ransford, Hester (Carson), 590
Ransford, James, 603
Ransford, Jane, 603
Ransford, John W., 602
Ransford, Joseph, 601
Ransford, Joseph R., 602
Ransford, Josephine, 603
Ransford, Margaret E. (Lawson), 602
Ransford, Mary Francis, 603
Ransford, Rachel (Holman), 601
Ransford, Richard, 590
Ransford, Richard Rue, 603
Ransford, Ruth, 601
Ransford, Sarah, 591
Ransford, Sarah Ann (Epperson), 602
Ransford, William H., 103
Raper, Elizabeth, 593
Rariden, James, 426
Rasher, John, 448
Rasmussen, Andrew, 220
Rasmussen, Ida, 109, 220
Rasmussen, Margaret (Jensen), 220
Rathbun, Lila Marie (McConnell), 338
Rathbun, Ralph Willard, 338
Rauscher, Ruth Delores, 277
Ray, James, 579
Ray, Martin M., 426
Ray, William, 579
Rayle, Lula Bell (Cox), 236, 376
Rayle, Ora R., 377
Rayle, Oscar, 236, 376
Ready, J.H., 66
Reaney, Hazel Grace (Pike), 290
Reaney, William Robert, 290
Red Hawk, 556
Reed, Carrie A., 106, 210, 214
Reed, Charles, 290
Reed, Clara Nellie (Devinney), 363
Reed, Clyde L., 363
Reed, John C., 61
Reed, Perry, 469
Reeder, Barbara Jean (Abler), 366
Reeder, Claire (Bennum), 366
Reeder, Helen Irene, 366
Reeder, Houston Larrimore, 365
Reeder, Houston Larrimore, Jr., 366
Reeder, Houston Larry, 226
Reeder, Julie Anne, xii
Reeder, Louise M., 366
Reeder, Mildred Luthada (Baker), 226, 365
Reel, Susan, 111
Reese, Annabelle, 89, 178
Reese, Joseph B., 178, 179
Reese, Mary F. (Byer), 178
Reeve, Eliza, 309
Rehberg, Pamela S., 394
Reid, Agnes Mary, 339
Reid, Anna (Richardson), 232
Reid, Cecilia W., 339
Rennick, ____, 394
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 254
Repphun, Ruth Magdalena, 298
Republican River, 206
Retallack, Franceo (Cox), 328
Retallack, James, 328
Reynolds, M. C., 214
Rhoades, William, 417
Rhoades, William Alexander, 417
Riceman, Clara (Shunning), 337
Riceman, Russell, 337
Rich, Johnny, 186
Richardson, Alonzo, 307
Richardson, Amos, 232
Richardson, Anna, 232
Richardson, Bessie Belle, 89, 178
Richardson, Elizabeth (Adams), 232
Richardson, Jennie (____), 307
Richardson, Johanna, 178
Richardson, Olive Frances, 162, 307
Richardson, Samuel, 178
Richardson, Virginia (McKamey), 307
Rider, Sarah, 21, 65
Riel, Susan Charity, 147, 286
Rife, Blanche Iva (Bell), 235
Rife, Clarence, Jr., 235
Riggs, B., 521
Riggs, Brannock, 521
Riggs, John, 518
Riley, Cyrus, 206, 354
Riley, Hazel Dora (Cox), 206, 353
Riley, Jeanne, 354
Riley, Larry, 354
Riley, Marilyn, 354
Riley, Mary (____), 354
Ristine, Barnett, 86
Ritter, Bradley T., 371
Ritter, Hazel B. (Jesse), 371
Roadruck, Charles Lewis, 207, 354
Roadruck, Faye Harriet, 354
Roadruck, Goldie, 354
Roadruck, Joyce, 354
Roadruck, Myra E. (Cox), 207, 354
Roberts, ____, 236, 376
Roberts, Albert B., 601
Roberts, Alice (Edgerton), 601
Roberts, Annie Mary, 601
Roberts, Clara (Swearingen), 601
Roberts, Elizabeth (Rue), 601
Roberts, Emma L., 601
Roberts, John H., 601
Roberts, Kenneth L., 7
Roberts, Levi J., 601
Roberts, Lindley H, 601
Roberts, Lizzie S. (Johnson), 601
Roberts, Lula Bell (Cox), 236, 376
Roberts, Mary (Roberts), 601
Roberts, Oma M. (____), 377
Roberts, Ora R., 377
Roberts, Thomas, 601
Roberts, William, 601
Robertson, ____, 380
Robertson, Emma Irene (Bell), 380
Robertson, Eunice Marguerite, 336
Robinson, Opal, 322
Roddy, ____, 421
Rogers, E. E., 217
Roller, Bessie Eliza (Henderson), 292
Roller, Frank, 292
Rollins, Ivan F., 252, 392
Rollins, Marion E. (Howland), 252, 392
Rollins, Norman, 392
Rollins, Wendell I., 392
Roop family, 417
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 259
Root, Harley, 381
Root, J. H., 381
Root, Jennie (Bercaw), 381
Root, Zelma M. (Strader), 381
Rorabeck, Alvah, 171
Rorabeck, George, 171
Rorabeck, Mary, 171
Rorison, Arda Bates St. Clair, 2
Rose, Georgia A., 188, 333
Rose, Mary Lucile (Parkhouse), 361
Rose, Richard, 361
Ross, ____, 528
Rotbert, Elizabeth M., 234
Rotbert, Laura A., 234
Rowe, Charles E., 202
Rowe, George, 100
Rowe, George J., 102
Rue, Ada B., 604
Rue, Alice H., 604
Rue, Benjamin, 7
Rue, Eleanor, 584, 585, 587, 601
Rue, Elizabeth, 585, 586, 589, 601
Rue, Elizabeth (Holman), 23, 569, 570, 579, 584, 585
Rue, Emma Maude, 604
Rue, Eva M., 604
Rue, Hannah, 585, 600
Rue, Henry, 405, 417, 568, 569, 573, 584, 585, 587, 592, 597, 604
Rue, Horace G., 604
Rue, Ida Rebecca, 604
Rue, James, 572, 573, 574
Rue, John, 600
Rue, John J., 604
Rue, Joshua, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576
Rue, Lewis, 573
Rue, Lizzie Martha, 604
Rue, Louis Holman, 605
Rue, Lydia, 585, 600
Rue, Lydia H., 604
Rue, Margaret, 604
Rue, Margaret (Beck), 570, 571, 576
Rue, Margery, 604
Rue, Mary, 3, 21, 23, 36, 43, 427, 515, 540, 541, 543, 544, 569, 570, 571, 572,
573, 574, 575, 576, 583, 584, 585, 586, 595, 601
Rue, Matthew, 573
Rue, Miriam, 585, 587, 589, 595
Rue, Nancy, 585, 587, 592
Rue, Olshe (Vansant), 572, 573, 574, 576, 579
Rue, Olshea, 572
Rue, Rachel, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 585, 586, 587
Rue, Rachel (Vansant), 575
Rue, Rachel Jane (Holman), 600, 603
Rue, Rebecca, 585, 600
Rue, Rebecca (Talbot), 587, 597
Rue, Richard, 14, 23, 24, 30, 395, 396, 404, 405, 406, 410, 413, 415, 416, 417,
427, 543, 551, 554, 555, 556, 558, 559, 560, 561,
Rue, Richard Edgar, 604
Rue, Samuel, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 579, 587
Rue, Sarah, 568, 585, 586
Rue, Susannah, 585, 601
Rue, William, 568, 569
Rue, Willie, 605
Russell, Almira Jane, 109, 220, 464
Russia, 261
Rust, Greba, 378
Rutgers University, 378
Sacket, Doctor, 426
Saffry, Velma Lorence (Capper), 355
Saffry, Victor N., 356
Samsen, Claire A., 335
Samsen, Elizabeth (Baltzmier), 335
Samsen, Ermal Pearl, 335
Samsen, Helen I., 335
Samsen, Henry, 335
Samsen, Lois W., 335
Samsen, Louis C., 191, 334
Samsen, Marguerite, 335
Samsen, Nina D. (Cox), 191, 334
Samuel, Grace Lillian, 331
Sanderlin, James, xii
Sanders, E. E., 296
Sanders, Gwendolyn M., 296
Sanders, Maria, 120
Sanford, Hector, 79
Sargent, Maria, 369
Saunders, Lucinda, 217
Sawyer, ____, 32, 428, 441
Sawyer, Dave, 502
Sawyer, Dora (Knight), 169
Sayre, Martin A., 127
Scales, Lucy, 331
Schadle, Emogene, 369
Scharkopf, ____, 386
Scharkopf, Waneta (Burley), 386
Schaudenecker, Dorothy (Wilson), 388
Schaudenecker, Joseph, 388
Schegg, Pearl E., 181, 327
Schnell, Amelia Peggy, 350
Schnetzler, Madge Eloise, 237
Schoales, Dudley Nevison, 263
Schoales, Virginia Jocelyn (Vanderlip), 263
Schoneberg, ____, 316
Schoneberg, Clifford, 316
Schoneberg, Doris (Harrier), 316
Schregg, Johanna (Hansen), 327
Schregg, John, 327
Schulte, Elizabeth, 593
Schulze, Adele Elizabeth, 194, 339
Schulze, Caroline (Westerman), 339
Schulze, John Frederich, 339
Schwartzenburg, Earl C., 347
Schwartzenburg. Fern Viola (David), 347
Kilbirnie, 194
Scott family, 495
Scott, Anna E., 94, 189
Scott, Armond, 55, 113
Scott, Corrections, 113
Scott, Harriet, 205, 352
Scott, James, 482, 485, 486, 489, 490
Scott, Jim, 221
Scott, John, 426
Scott, Joshua, 113
Scott, Kaitlin Rebecca, xii
Scott, Kimberley Ann (Utermohlen), xii
Scott, Mary (McClimans), 221
Scott, Mary A., 113
Scott, Michael, 221, 474, 482
Scott, Sarah (Cox), 55, 113
Scriver, James E., 229
Seals, Mrs., 526
Seaman, Gladys B. (Lawson), 253, 393
Seaman, John Frederick, 393
Seaman, Mary A. (Walker), 393
Seaman, Maurice, 253, 393
Seaman, Maurice Clifford, 393
Seaman, Ranae J. (Bair), 393
Seaman, Robert Amasa, 393
Searle, ____, 477
Secor, James, 85
Secor, Mary Ruth, 263
Seecamp, J. G., 248
Seibert, Frank S., 318
Seibert, Lida Luthada (Knight), 318
Seidner, Samuel, 52
Selders, Joseph Richard, 309
Selders, Lois (Martin), 309
Self, Zella May, 282
Sell, Elizabeth, 591
Sellers, Carson Robert, 356
Sellers, Clara Bernice (Smith), 356
Sellers, Elsa Ann, 21, 53
Sellers, Nathan, 53
Sellers, Sarah (Finley), 53
Semans, John B., 426
Senior, Eugenia, 330
Seyler, Nancy L., 308
Shaffer, Nicholas, 58
Shane, Esther L., 313
Sharp, Patience R., 122
Sharpe, Emma C. A., 62, 122
Shattuck, J. H., 521
Shaver, Dorothy W. (Cox), 299
Shaver, Russell, 299
Shaw family, 408
Shaw, James, 417
Shaw, John, 417
Shelby family, 408, 417
Shelley, Moses, 103
Shellhorn, Ida, 594
Shellhorn, John, 594
Shellhorn, Malinda, 594
Shellhorn, Martha, 594
Shellhorn, Mary Jane (Watson), 594
Shellhorn, Mordecai, 594
Shellhorn, Nancy Elizabeth, 594
Shellhorn, Sarah Alice, 594
Shellhorn, William, 594
Sheppard, William J., 95
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 449
Sherwood, Anne, 114
Sherwood, Catherine "Katie", 89, 175
Shoemaker, J. W., 114, 231
Shoemaker, John W., 232
Shoemaker, Margaret Jane (Murphy), 114, 231
Shoemaker, Sophia (Winhorse), 232
Shores, Thomas, 579
Short, Connie, 337
Short, Gerald A., 337
Short, Louise E. (Shunning), 337
Short, Melvin C., 337
Short, Robert J., 337
Short, Russell T., 337
Short, Sally P., 337
Shortridge family, 417
Shortridge, John, 408
Showen, Henry C., 600
Showen, Lydia (Overman), 600
Showen, Mary E., 600
Shufeldt, Charlotte Delight (Vanderlip), 263
Shufeldt, Henry H., 263
Shulla, Helen Frances, 351
Shum, Elizabeth (Penor/Pfenall), 278
Shum, Hallie Elma (Thomas), 141, 278
Shum, James Evans, 141, 278
Shum, Marjorie Elizabeth, 279
Shum, Peter, 278
Shunning, Clara, 337
Shunning, John E., 193, 337
Shunning, Lois E., 337
Shunning, Louise E., 337
Shunning, Nellie Mae (Cox), 193, 337
Shunning, Robert J., 337
Shunning, Susan M., 337
Shurtleff place, 210
Shurtleff, Elizabeth (Williamson), 442
Shurtleff, Emeline Rachel (Williamson), 41, 442
Shurtleff, Henry S., 41, 442
Siddell, Mae Isabel (Knight), 172
Siddell, Robert A., 172
Sides, Cora O., 217
Sides, George S., 106, 216, 217
Sides, Grace Elizabeth, 217, 359
Sides, Rosella (Rose) Jane (Cox), 106, 216
Sides, William L., 217, 359
Sierra Leone
Bombali, 267
Bomboli, 267
Freetown, 266, 267, 268, 271
Kunso, 267, 268
Limba, 267
Port Lokoh, 268
Sigsworth, John, 526
Sikes, Reuben W., 91
Silvers, Angeline, 118
Silvers, Austin H., 118
Silvers, Emma, 118
Silvers, Letitia, 118
Silvers, Lucretia, 118
Silvers, Luvenia, 118
Silvers, Ruth Anna (Cox), 55, 117
Silvers, Salemma, 118
Silvers, Walter B., 118
Silvers, William Arthur, 118
Silvers, William B., 55, 117
Silvers, William C., 117
Simerson, A. M., 214
Simms, James, 100
Simons, Catherine Leona, 227, 366
Simons, Jane (Boswell), 366
Simpson, Margaret Eugenie, 155, 293
Skelton, Bernice Marie (Timmerman), 353
Skelton, Cora Belle (Cox), 206, 353
Skelton, Dorothia (Tonning), 353
Skelton, Dorothy Naomie, 353
Skelton, Dorothy W. (Morgan), 353
Skelton, Edward Holmes, 353
Skelton, Grace M. (Madson), 353
Skelton, Guy Cox, 353
Skelton, Helen L. (Wicker), 353
Skelton, Helene (Kuhns), 353
Skelton, Juanita Irene, 353
Skelton, Lester Leroy, 353
Skelton, Lora Verle (Amos), 353
Skelton, Lyford Waid, 353
Skelton, Mary Albina Savage (Glenn), 353
Skelton, Percy Holmes, 206, 353
Skelton, Percy Hugh, 353
Skelton, Rae Adeline (Bartlett), 353
Skelton, Raymond Irving, 353
Skelton, Wenifred Grace, 353
Slansky, Earl Clifford, 314
Slansky, Norma Pauline (Knight), 314
Slaughter, Col., 582
Slote, Ruth (Cox), 251, 390
Slote, William, 251, 390
Small, John, 413
Smalley, John, 417
Smart, Nellie G., 238, 379
Smith family, 518
Smith, Ada M., 215
Smith, Ada M. (Broadfoot), 349
Smith, Albert A., 217
Smith, Anna Almira, 98, 204, 544
Smith, Aristarchus, 204
Smith, Belinda (Butterfield), 204
Smith, Bro., 268
Smith, Clara Bernice, 356
Smith, David A., 245
Smith, Dorothea Cox, 356
Smith, Duane, 349
Smith, Florinda A., 101, 207, 544
Smith, Harriet E., 101, 206
Smith, J. D., 292
Smith, John, 412, 413, 417, 426
Smith, Joseph Marion, 207, 356
Smith, Lily Walsh (McLaughlin), 207
Smith, Lulu May (Appleby), 369
Smith, Margaret (Maggie) J., 79, 173
Smith, Mary (Vanderwalker), 227, 517
Smith, Mary Catherine (Hickman), 245
Smith, Minnie Ruth (Cox), 207, 356
Smith, Nathan, 579
Smith, Owen Cooper, 312
Smith, Pauline Agnes, 356
Smith, Perry, 227, 517, 518, 519
Smith, Phyllis, 344
Smith, Robert, 413, 417
Smith, Sharyn Lee (Cox), xii, 312
Smith, William C., 3, 5, 207
Smith, Wilma, 155, 298
Smith, Wren Elliot, 369
Snediker, Catherine, 61
Snediker, Homer E., 61
Snediker, John, 61
Snediker, Mary C., 61
Snediker, William, 61
Snodgrass, Margaret, 55, 119
Snyder, Eugenia, 330
Snyder, Felix, 469
Snyder, Sophia, 381
Sorgenfrei, Karl, 284
Sorgenfrei, Mary Etta (Stafford), 284
Sorrowfree, Mary Elma, 147, 284
South Carolina, 412
Charleston County
Charleston, 72, 448, 452
South Dakota, 150, 348, 358, 364
Beadle County
Huron, 289
Bennett County, 364
Martin, 364
Brown County
Aberdeen, 141
Brule County
Chamberlain, 180
Custer County, 358
Custer, 215, 216, 358
Spokane Falls, 216
Gregory County
Bonesteel, 291
Fairfax, 179, 327, 328
Fort Randall, 180
Gregory, 224, 225, 363, 364
Jerauld County
Dale township, 290
Wessington Springs, 290
Lawrence County
Deadwood, 363
Mellette County
White River, 347
Minnehaha County
Sioux Falls, 182, 327
Pennington County
Rapid City, 181, 302
Tripp County
Winner, 225
Turner County
Parker, 289
Yankton County
Yankton, 180
Spade, Laura, 202
Spain, 254
Spain, Edward H., 588, 589
Spain, John H., 589
Spain, Mary Jane (Kelly), 589
Spain, Nancy J., 589
Spain, Samuel D., 589
Spain, Stephen F., 589
Span family, 417
Sparbel, Alice Bernice, 298
Sparbel, Anna Catharina Dorothea (Boldt), 297
Sparbel, Doris Winifred, 298
Sparbel, Dorothea Maud, 298
Sparbel, Elizabeth Schweissinger (Juliano), 298
Sparbel, Evelyn Bates (Pedersen), 298
Sparbel, Helen Leota, 298
Sparbel, Hermann August, 297
Sparbel, Johann Ernst Heinrich, 155, 297
Sparbel, John Keith, 298
Sparbel, John William, xii
Sparbel, Laura Imogene (Pedersen), 298
Sparbel, Laurie Lincoln (Woodward), 298
Sparbel, Robert Joseph, 298
Sparbel, Ruth Magdalena (Repphun), 298
Sparbel, Thelma Lucille (Nelson), 298
Sparbel, Treva (Cox), 155, 297
Sparbel, Treva Janetta, 298
Sparbel, Warren Lloyd, 298
Sparbel, Wilhelmina Gertrude, 298
Spencer, Elizabeth Augusta (Cox), 284
Spencer, Howard Elmer, Jr., 284
Spicklemeir, Dr., 211
Spiclemeyer, L. J., 212
Splawn, Alice Louella (Fleharty), 372
Splawn, Ethel May, 230, 372
Splawn, William Milton, 372
Spohn, Fredric, 601
Spohn, Ludora (Overman), 601
Spray, Achsah A., 243, 382
Spray, Quillman, 382
Spray, Sarah, 382
Squire Tongs, 16
Stace, Essie Lenora (Pike), 290
Stace, Willard R., 290
Stadler, Lucile Adaline (Greenlaw), 322
Stadler, Scott Douglas, xii
Stadler, William Douglas, 322
Stafford, Mary Etta, 284
Starkey, Bessie Eliza (Henderson), 292
Starkey, Jesse Isaac, 292
Statts, Jack, 468, 469, 470
Steel, Mrs., 476
Steiner, Daniel, 239, 381
Steiner, Dora Angeline (Strader), 239, 381
Steiner, Henry, 381
Steiner, Sophia (Snyder), 381
Stephenson, Elbert Henry, Jr., 336
Stephenson, Gladys Belle (Cox), 336
Stevens, Collins S., 604
Stevens, Eva M. (Rue), 604
Stevens, Margaret (Ferrel), 604
Stevens, Margaretta Ruella, 604
Stevens, Maude Eva, 604
Stevens, Myrtle Mascelens, 604
Stevens, Tillman Earle, 604
Stevens, Tillman H., 604
Stevenson, Joseph, 598
Stevenson, Vincent, 417
Stewart, Daisie Marie (Cox), 294
Stewart, Joseph E., 294
Stewart, Minnie Estella (Cox), 294
Stewart, Oliver Eugene, 294
Still College, 270
Stillman, James, 260
Stilz, Kathryn Maud (Johnson), 345
Stilz, Walter E., 345
Stitt, Elizabeth, 160
Stitt, F. Ed, 291
Stokes, George, 146
Stone, I. L., 177
Stone, Inez, 225
Stone, Ralph, 225
Stoner, Merle, 313
Story, Bessie Eliza (Henderson), 292
Story, Haskell, 292
Stover family, 408, 417
Strader, Clyde A., 239, 381
Strader, Cora Viola (Wogoman), 239, 381
Strader, Dora Angeline, 239, 381
Strader, Goldie F., 381
Strader, Hattie A., 239
Strader, Minora Jane (Cox), 116, 239
Strader, William, 116
Strader, William M., 239
Strader, Zelma M., 381
Street, Julian, Jr., 263
Street, Narcissa (Vanderlip), 263
Stubbs, Keziah, 600, 601
Stuck, Charles A., 371
Stuck, Pamalee Clair, xii
Stuck, Virginia Clair (Jesse), 371
Sturdivan, David, 75
Sturdivan, John, 103
Sturdy, Everett William, xii
Subers, E. Wayne, 291
Sullivan, James, 59
Sulser, James, 398
Sumners, Christine, 183
Sunday, Clara, 289
Sunday, Elsie May (Pike), 150, 289
Sunday, Esther, 289
Sunday, Fran, 289
Sunday, Harry, 150, 289
Sunday, Margaret, 289
Sunday, Marie N., 289
Sunday, Vivian, 289
Sutford, Caroline, 65, 124
Suthernbank, Joe, 525
Sutton, Jane Wilhelmina, 77, 153, 441, 544
Sutton, Martha Smith (Cleaveland), 153
Sutton, William Birchmore, 153
Swan, S. S., 64
Swank, Sandford, 95
Swanson, Hazel May, 178, 324
Swarts, Harold Eugene, 353
Swarts, Juanita Irene (Skelton), 353
Swearingen, Clara, 601
Sweden, 224, 337, 345
Stockholm, 11
Sweezy, F.A., 212
Syms, R., 38
Taggart, Peter J., 394
Talbot, Edward, 598
Talbot, Jacob, 586, 597
Talbot, Rebecca, 587, 597
Talbot, Susannah, 586, 597
Taylor, Allie, 525
Taylor, John, 67, 115
Taylor, Samuel, 67
Tecumseh, 402, 407
Templeton, Adaline, 593
Templeton, John, 415
Tennessee, 133, 239, 242, 365, 384, 588, 597
Blount County
Townsend, 387
Davidson County
Nashville, 123, 126, 127, 202, 454
Giles County
Pulaski, 191, 202, 458
Hamilton County
Chattanooga, 133, 158, 242
Hardin County
Hamburg, 446
Pittsburg Landing, 445, 449, 455
Shiloh, 133, 445, 446, 449, 455, 459
Hawkins County, 69
Henry County
Fort Henry, 132, 445, 449
Knox County
Fountain City, 136
Meigs County
Decatur, 122
Rutherford County
Murfreesboro, 94, 451
Stones River, 94, 451
Shelby County
Memphis, 143, 174, 199, 200, 457
Stewart County
Fort Donelson, 133, 445, 449, 452
Sumner County
Hendersonville, 364
Test, Charles H., 426
Test, John, 426
Tetschner, Carroll J., xii, 462
Texas, 372, 522
Bailey County
Hurley, 281
Muleshoe, 282
Bexar County
San Antonio, 308, 540
Carson County
Groom, 323, 324
Collin County, 597
Cooke County, 589
Delta County, 596
Denton County, 596, 597
El Paso County
El Paso, 315
Floyd County
Justice Precinct I, 281
Galveston County, 282
Galveston, 322
Kemah, 335, 336
Grayson County
Denison, 282
Hale County
Plainview, 142, 147, 281, 282, 285,
Harris County
Houston, 322
Hidalgo County, 323
Hutchinson County
Borger, 190, 191, 335, 336
Lamar County, 595
Paris, 595
Limestone County, 588, 589, 595, 596
Eutaw, 597
Precinct #1, 596
Nacogdoches County
Nacogdoches, 589
Palo Duro County, 589
Parker County
Weatherford, 589
Parmer County
Friona, 282
Stephens County
Justice, 371
Tarrant County, 597
Wilbarger County
Vernon, 281, 282
Wise County, 597
Young County, 589
Graham, 589
Thayer, Frances Eleanor, 369
The Prophet, 402, 407
Thomas, [dau], 374
Thomas, [son], 235, 376
Thomas, Anna, 151
Thomas, Anna Magnella (Jensen), 281
Thomas, Augustus Orloff, 141, 275
Thomas, Augustus Orloff, II, xii, 9, 12, 541
Thomas, Barbara, 281
Thomas, Beatrice (____), 375
Thomas, Bertha, 233
Thomas, Bertha (____), 233
Thomas, Bertha (Hodapp), 233, 375
Thomas, Bertha E., 374
Thomas, Carlos, 375
Thomas, Catherine, 376
Thomas, Charles E., 233
Thomas, Charles Edward, 141, 280
Thomas, Charles Forrest, 274
Thomas, Charles Ward, 281
Thomas, Clair, 233
Thomas, Clarkson A., 233, 373
Thomas, Constance (Ward), 141, 280
Thomas, Creston W., 375
Thomas, Eber E., 115, 234
Thomas, Effie Myrtle (Bailey), 233, 373
Thomas, Elizabeth, 72, 132
Thomas, Ellamay (Colvin), 141, 275
Thomas, Emma Alice (Cox), 115, 234
Thomas, Ethel L., 374
Thomas, Everett, 376
Thomas, Florence, 235
Thomas, Frank E., 233
Thomas, Hallie Elma, 141, 278
Thomas, Hannah, 232, 234
Thomas, Harry, 376
Thomas, Harry P., 233, 375
Thomas, Hazel M. (Knight), 373
Thomas, Irene J., 375
Thomas, Jeanette Hay (Forrest), 141, 273
Thomas, Jeanne (Riley), 354
Thomas, Jeannette, 233
Thomas, Jesse, 141
Thomas, Jesse B., 426
Thomas, John, 232, 234, 354
Thomas, John H., 374
Thomas, John N., 233
Thomas, Joseph A., 115, 232, 461
Thomas, Joseph A., Jr., 233, 234, 374
Thomas, Julia Mary, 141
Thomas, Katheryne Colvin, 277
Thomas, Lawrence H., 373
Thomas, Lee Rue, 141, 273
Thomas, Lois Aldine, 233
Thomas, Lorinda Elizabeth (Ward), 281
Thomas, Lucy Isabel, 281
Thomas, Madge Meltha (Murphy), 277
Thomas, Margaret Grace, 274
Thomas, Martha (Powell), 132, 138
Thomas, Martha Bell, 141, 277
Thomas, Mary D. (Twehous), 233, 373
Thomas, Mary Elizabeth (Cox), 72, 138, 444
Thomas, Mary Ellen (Cox), 115, 232
Thomas, Mary Lily (Dietrick), 274
Thomas, Mary Louise, 274
Thomas, Nathan Clarence, 233
Thomas, Nellie (Hoover), 233
Thomas, Nora (Macy), 233, 374
Thomas, Oliver E., 233, 373
Thomas, Oliver Harold, 376
Thomas, Paul Augustus, 277
Thomas, Queenie D. (Austin), 233, 234, 374
Thomas, Ralph E., 233
Thomas, Richard, 233
Thomas, Robert H., 233
Thomas, Ruby, 376
Thomas, Thomas, 132, 138
Thomas, Walter, 374
Thomas, Walter R., 375
Thomas, Waneta (____), 375
Thomas, William, 235
Thomas, William Gordon, 274
Thomas, William Lee, 72, 138, 444
Thomas, Yvena D. (Martin), 234
Thomas, Zora (Isenhour), 233
Thompson, Dorothea Maud (Sparbel), 298
Thompson, Elizabeth, 383
Thompson, Glen Eli, 298
Thompson, Jeanne (Riley), 354
Thompson, John, 354
Thompson, L. P., 123
Thompson, Ruth, 99, 107
Thoresen, George Clifford, 330
Thoresen, George Robert, Sr., xii
Thoresen, Julia Nellie (Cox), 330
Thronson, Arthur Edward, 281
Thronson, Lucy Isabel (Thomas), 281
Tifney, Joe, 480
Timmerman, Bernice Marie, 353
Tingley, George B., 55
Tinker, Allan Wilson, 187
Tinker, Charles B., 90, 186
Tinker, Louise M. (Reeder), 366
Tinker, Marion, 366
Tinker, Mary Caroline (Cox), 90, 186
Tinsley, Ransom, 582
Tobin, Alonzo, 210, 214
Tobin, Lawrence, 210
Tobin, Lawrence A., 212
Tobin, Mary, 106, 210
Todd, Jewel, 251, 391
Todd, Levi, 580, 582
Tomlinson, Joseph, 182
Tomson, Mary Alice, 372
Toney, 426
Tonning, Dorothia, 353
Towner, Bette Ruth, 285
Transue, George W., 309, 550
Transue, Hallie Hyacinth, 162, 309
Transue, Minnie M., 309
Travasos, Nancy Elsie, 312
Trimble, ____, 417
Trimble, William, 67, 84
Trinidad, 254
Trinkle, William S., 63
Trubey, Abraham, 168
Truby, Martha Matilda (Gaines), 168
Truesdale, Ada M. (Broadfoot), 349
Truesdale, Harry, 349
Truman, Harry S., 326
Trumbull, Lyman, 543
Tryon, Doris Winifred (Sparbel), 298
Tryon, William Volney, 298
Tunnicliff, Joseph Steuart, 279
Tunnicliff, Marjorie Elizabeth (Shum), 279
Tunnicliff, Merrily Jean (Newton), xii
Turner, John, 406, 420
Tuttle, Sarah Jane, 120
Twehous, Agnes, 373
Twehous, Harmon, 373
Twehous, Mary D., 233, 373
Twining, Samuel, 41
United States, 217, 358
University of Arizona, 311
University of California, Los Angeles, 393
University of Chicago, 257
University of Illinois, 260, 283
University of Iowa, 393
University of Minnesota, 274
University of Nebraska, 277, 308, 312, 329, 393
University of Virginia, 279
University of Washington, 354
Utah, 522
Salt Lake County
Salt Lake City, 355, 392, 577
Utermohlen, Alison Rose (Brown), xii
Utermohlen, Charles Robert, xii, 310
Utermohlen, Kimberley Ann, xii
Utermohlen, Mary Alison, xii
Utermohlen, Mary Lee (Cox), xii, 310, 540
Utermohlen, William Jerome, 568
Valley State College, 394
Valparaiso University, 148
Van Norman, Catherine, 218, 360
Van Norman, Hannah (Costandine), 360
Van Norman, Joseph, 360
Van Sandt, Gerret, 571
VanBibber, Ernest, 360
VanBibber, Mabel "Nina" (Jones), 360
Vandeburgh, Edward, 217
Vandegrift, Isaac, 61
Vandegrift, Maike, 569
Vanderlip, Charlotte Delight, 263
Vanderlip, Charlotte Louise (Woodworth), 257
Vanderlip, Edmund, 257
Vanderlip, Elin Regine (Brekke), 263
Vanderlip, Elizabeth, 263
Vanderlip, Frank Arthur, 131, 257, 541
Vanderlip, Frank Arthur, Jr., 263
Vanderlip, John Mann, 263
Vanderlip, Kelvin Cox, 263
Vanderlip, Mabel Narcissa (Cox), 43, 257, 541
Vanderlip, Mary Ruth (Secor), 263
Vanderlip, Narcissa, 263
Vanderlip, Neva Eileen (McGrath), 263
Vanderlip, Suzanne (Christy or Decarralli), 263
Vanderlip, Virginia Jocelyn, 263
Vanderwalker family, 518
Vanderwalker, Alice Mae, 368
Vanderwalker, Alice Mae (Wells), 228, 367
Vanderwalker, Catherine Fannie, 368
Vanderwalker, Catherine Leona (Simons), 227, 366
Vanderwalker, Charles Augustus, 228, 369, 515
Vanderwalker, Edna (Von De Linde), 368
Vanderwalker, Eleanor Imogene, 369, 514, 523, 540
Vanderwalker, Eva Florence (Wilson), 228, 369
Vanderwalker, George, 171
Vanderwalker, George Henry, 110, 226, 368, 514, 515, 519, 520, 521, 522, 524,
525, 528, 529, 530, 531, 533, 534, 536, 538
Vanderwalker, George William, 227, 366, 515, 528, 533
Vanderwalker, Hazel Gertrude, 368
Vanderwalker, Jacob Theodore, 228, 367, 515
Vanderwalker, John Henry, 227, 515, 537
Vanderwalker, Leona Adeline, 367
Vanderwalker, Lillian (Peacock), 368
Vanderwalker, Lulu May, 228, 369, 515
Vanderwalker, Luvenia Nina, 367
Vanderwalker, Mary, 227, 517
Vanderwalker, Mary Ann (Chapman), 227
Vanderwalker, Mary Josephine (Kirby), 110, 226, 514, 515, 520, 524, 525, 526,
527, 528, 529, 530, 533, 536, 538
Vanderwalker, Mary Opal, 368
Vanderwalker, Muriel Josephine, 367
Vanderwalker, Olive Elnora (Dimick), 226
Vanderwalker, Sarah Josephine, 368
Vanderwalker, Virginia Ruth, 368
Vanderwalker, William, 226, 529, 536
Vanderwalker, William Henry, 367
Vandever, Colonel, 123
Vansand, Aaltje, 572
Vansand, Stoffel, 571, 572, 573, 575, 576
Vansant family, 572
Vansant, Christopher, 573, 574
Vansant, Elizabeth, 575, 576
Vansant, George, 569, 571, 572
Vansant, Jacobus, 571
Vansant, Jesinah, 572, 574, 575
Vansant, John, 574
Vansant, Joshua, 572, 573, 574
Vansant, Joshua, Jr., 571, 574
Vansant, Maike (Vandegrift), 569
Vansant, Olshe, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 579
Vansant, Rachel, 575
Vansant, Rosetta, 569, 571
Vaughan, D. L., 43
Venezuela, 254
Vermont, 8, 220
Windham County
West Townshend, 299
Villa, Pancho, 320
Virginia, 1, 2, 6, 8, 14, 21, 53, 79, 191, 193, 238, 415, 416, 427, 452, 542,
551, 594
Alexandria, 297, 346
Augusta County, 8
Culpeper County, 568
Goochland County, 233
Grayson County, 597
Henrico County
Richmond, 94, 452
Monongalia County, 8
Ohio County, 8
Prince George County
City Point, 94, 452
Washington County, 19
Abingdon, 1
Youghogania County, 8
Vogt, Mary Louise, 279
Von De Linde, Edna, 368
Wabash and Erie Canal, 83
Wachstetter, Josephine, 118
Waddel family, 408
Waddell family, 417
Waddell, [daughter], 53
Waddell, [son], 53
Waddell, Anne (Cox), 21, 51
Waddell, David, 39, 53
Waddell, Elijah, 51
Waddell, Eliza, 53, 111
Waddell, Henry, 53
Waddell, James, 18, 19, 21, 51, 54
Waddell, Rebecca Ann, 53, 111
Waddell, Rebekah, 51
Waddell, Westley, 39, 53
Waddle, James, 31
Wagner family, 490
Waite, Frances W., 577
Wales, 342
Walgren, Alvin, 289
Walgren, Mary Jean (Frankenburger), 289
Walker, ____, 417
Walker, Agnes, 194
Walker, Annie Mary (Roberts), 601
Walker, Byron Carson, 386
Walker, Byron H., 246, 386
Walker, Charles P., 601
Walker, Edgar Bird, 200
Walker, Elmer Elsworth (Elzie), 200
Walker, Emilia (Hickman), 246, 386
Walker, Florence Emily, 386
Walker, Florence Jewell, 386
Walker, Florence Lovina, 200, 346, 544
Walker, Grace, 348
Walker, James Briant, 98, 199, 461, 543
Walker, Jesse Hiram, 200, 347
Walker, Lucille, 348
Walker, Mary A., 393
Walker, Mary Elizabeth (Cox), 199
Walker, Mildred, 348
Walker, Myra Bell, 199
Walker, Robert, 348
Walker, Ruth, 348
Walker, Samuel A., 75
Walker, Sarah Inez (Fisher), 200, 347
Walker, Sarah Mary, 200, 348
Walker, Wayne Scott, 386
Wallace, Jacob G., 86
Wallace, Jim, 484, 485, 486, 487, 489, 491, 495
Wallace, Lew, 81
Wallick, Frank Albert, xii
Wallick, Genevieve Eleanor (McConnell), xii
Walrath, Lawrence Allen, 309
Walrath, Lois (Martin), 309
Walter, Emma Elizabeth, 254
Wampee, Lizzie, 596
Ward, Burdette William, 358
Ward, Carol Loretta, 296
Ward, Constance, 141, 280
Ward, George Robert, 330
Ward, Laura E. (Cox), 358
Ward, Lorinda Elizabeth, 281
Ward, Virginia Olive (Cox), 330
Waring, J. D. (Slim), 368
Waring, Mary Opal (Vanderwalker), 368
Warner, Alta L. (Knight), 318
Warner, Harry Curtis, 318
Warner, Ithamer, 426
Warren, Sheriff, 211
Warrum, John, 409, 410, 411
Warum, Harmon, 30, 404
Washburn, Mr., 525
Washington, 120, 246, 247, 356, 386, 387
Chelan County
Canyon precinct, 207
Cashmere, 355
Grange precinct, 356
Wenatchee, 206, 355, 356
Columbia County
Huntsville precinct, 387
King County
Seattle, 124, 248, 280, 281, 385,
386, 454
Kitsap County
Bremerton, 281
Lincoln County
Davenport, 194
Spokane County
Spokane, 385, 386
Whatcom County
Bellingham, 281
Whitman County, 120, 387
Almota, 246
Almota precinct, 387
Colfax, 246, 247, 385
Onecho Precinct, 246, 247
Washington, George, 5
Watkins, Mr., 213
Watson family, 405
Watson, Adda, 594
Watson, Anna, 594
Watson, Arthur L., 594
Watson, Catherine, 594
Watson, Charles C., 594
Watson, David A., 594
Watson, Edgar T., 595
Watson, Eleanor (Edwards), 593
Watson, Elizabeth, 593
Watson, Elizabeth (Rapper), 593
Watson, Elizabeth (Schulte), 593
Watson, Elizabeth Jane (Wolfe), 594
Watson, Ellen J., 594
Watson, Emma L., 594
Watson, Emma T., 595
Watson, Esther A., 593
Watson, Flora (Kiefer), 593
Watson, Frank E., 594
Watson, Hannah, 594
Watson, Harmon, 594, 600
Watson, Henry, 593
Watson, Howard, 594
Watson, Idella Beaufort, 594
Watson, Isaac W., 593
Watson, James, 585, 593
Watson, James Franklin, 593
Watson, James W., 593
Watson, John R., 594
Watson, Jonas Garr, 593
Watson, Josephine, 594
Watson, L. Franklin, 594
Watson, Lake G., 594
Watson, Leone, 354
Watson, Lizzie B., 594
Watson, Lucinda, 593
Watson, Lydia (Overman), 594, 600
Watson, Malinda, 594
Watson, Margaret (Harmon), 593
Watson, Mary Jane, 593, 594
Watson, Nancy, 595
Watson, Nancy (Rue), 585, 587, 592
Watson, Nancy Elizabeth, 593
Watson, Oliver, 595
Watson, Ora, 594
Watson, Rebecca, 595
Watson, Richard Clinton, 593
Watson, Robert, 592, 593
Watson, Samuel, 74, 593
Watson, Sarah, 593
Watson, Sarah Ellen, 593
Watson, Thomas F., 593
Watson, Victoria A., 594
Watson, William, 417, 585, 587, 592, 594, 597
Watson, William Preston, 593
Watson,. Richard, 593
Wayne, Anthony, 7
Wayne, John, 132
Weaver, Alice Mary, 89, 183
Weaver, Christine (Sumners), 183
Weaver, Daniel, 32
Weaver, John, 183
Weaver, Peter, 417
Webb, John C., 114, 231
Webb, Margaret Jane (Murphy), 114, 231
Webb, Patrick William, 232
Weber, Cathleen Joann (Cox), 330
Weber, Melvin L., 330
Weeks, Jeanne, 284
Weirich, Charlotte Elaine (Antes), xii
Welch, ____, 289
Welch, Mary Jean (Frankenburger), 289
Wells, Alice Mae, 228, 367
Wells, Wrensler, 467, 469
Welsch, Eugene John, 309
Welsch, Louise (Martin), xii, 309
Wesson, Ellenon, 75
West Virginia, 6
Monongalia County, 10
Arnettsville, 12
Ohio County
Wellsburg, 10
Ritchie County, 12
Westenhoefer, Fern (Cox), 350
Westenhoefer, John, 350
Westerfield, ____, 417
Westerman, Caroline, 339
Western Illinois Normal, 287, 288
Western Normal College, 252, 275, 278
Whaley, Sylvia, 462
Whatley, Earl, 282
Whatley, Mary Brazula (Cox), 282
White, Clara Belle, 243, 384
White, Ida (Rasmussen), 109, 220
White, John W., 384
White, Josephine, 384
White, Theodore P., 518
Whitehead family, 417
Whitehead, Lazarus, 405
Whiteinger family, 417
Whiteinger, John, 417
Whitesides, William, 95
Whitinger, John, 18, 21
Whittemore, Charles Wyman, 277
Whittemore, Katheryne Colvin (Thomas), 277
Whittenberger, Allie D., 111
Whittenberger, Cordelia, 111
Whittenberger, Florence, 111
Whittenberger, Herbert, 111
Whittenberger, J.F., 112
Whittenberger, John F., 112
Whittenberger, Letta (Miller), 112
Whittenberger, Milton, 111
Whittenberger, Newton, 111
Whittenberger, Percy, 111
Whittenberger, Robert, 111
Whittenberger, Walter, 111
Whittenburger, Franklin, 112
Whittenburger, John, 53, 111
Whittenburger, Rebecca Ann (Waddell), 53, 111
Wicker, Helen L., 353
Wicker, Wanda, 337
Wickham, Sargent, 450
Widup, William, 426
Wiggins, Mr., 41
Wilber, Lydia Ann, 444
Wilcox, Elizabeth A., 383
Wildermuth, Edwin August, 363
Wildermuth, Grace Edith (Devinney), 363
Wilkie, Frank, 184, 332
Wilkie, Louise Christine (Cox), 184, 332
Wilkins, ____, 405, 417
Wilkinson, Elizabeth, 571
Willard, Frances, 265
Willey, Emma Louisa, 128, 249
Willey, Mary or Maria (Lohr), 249
Willey, Richard, 249
William Jewell College, 273
Williams, Amos, 32
Williams, Bonnie (____), 368
Williams, Capt., 99
Williams, Cecil R., 368
Williams, Elizabeth, 287
Williams, Jemima, 115
Williams, John, 417
Williams, Nathan, 598
Williams, Taylor, 92
Williams, Virginia Ruth (Vanderwalker), 368
Williamson, Ann, 90, 442, 458
Williamson, Delila (Hodgin), 74, 90
Williamson, Elizabeth, 442
Williamson, Emeline Rachel, 41, 442
Williamson, Juliett, 45, 74, 442
Williamson, Moses, 74, 90
Willitt family, 408, 417
Willliamson, Ann, 45
Wills, Elizabeth Martyn, 147
Wilson, ____, 385
Wilson, Addie, 355
Wilson, Benjamin, 595
Wilson, Billy, 81
Wilson, C. G., 213
Wilson, Comfort, 595
Wilson, Dora E., 94, 189
Wilson, Dorothy, 388
Wilson, Elisha, 189
Wilson, Emogene (Wilson), 369
Wilson, Eva Florence, 228, 369
Wilson, Frances V., 595
Wilson, Harman, 595
Wilson, Harry Brown, 250, 388
Wilson, Jasper, 595
Wilson, John A., 369
Wilson, Joseph, 595
Wilson, Julia Ann, 246
Wilson, Lida A., 595
Wilson, Mark Russell, 246
Wilson, Martha, 120, 246
Wilson, Mildred, 388
Wilson, Nancy (Watson), 595
Wilson, Pauline Jeanette (Hickman), 385
Wilson, Rebecca J., 595
Wilson, Robert, 595
Wilson, Ruby Myrtle (Cox), 250, 388
Wilson, Sarah Alice, 595
Wilson, Shirley, 388
Wilson, Thomas M., 189
Winhorse, Sophia, 232
Winnemac, 402
Wisconsin, 175, 247, 359
Eau Claire County
Eau Claire, 357
Milwaukee County
Milwaukee, 127, 441
Wauwatosa, 127
Rolling Prairie, 441
Sauk County
Sauk City, 249, 250, 251, 390
Wise, Eliza A., 381
Wisehart, ____, 32, 35
Wogoman, Cora Viola, 239, 381
Wogoman, Eliza A. (Wise), 381
Wogoman, George W., 381
Wolfe, Elizabeth Jane, 594
Wondra, Mildred Annabelle, 307
Wongstrom, Clarence Vergeen, 353
Wongstrom, Wenifred Grace (Skelton), 353
Woodburn, Stephy W., 72
Woodkirk, Joseph, 412, 417
Woodruff, Alexander, 59
Woods, Narcissa M., 72, 129
Woods, Sarah Lyon (Mann), 129
Woods, William J., 129
Woodward, Fay Iona, 292
Woodward, Laurie Lincoln, 298
Woodward, Treva Janetta (Sparbel), 298
Woodworth, Charlotte Louise, 257
Wooster Northwestern Reserve, 148
World War I, 238, 379, 380
World War II, 238, 362, 379
Worth, Lt. Col., 8
Wright, Augustus, 41
Wright, David A., 354
Wright, Dollie Julia (Hill), 296
Wright, Elijah, 413, 417
Wright, Faye Harriet (Roadruck), 354
Wright, Joseph B., 518
Wright, Mary Leslie "Monnie", 331
Wyoming, 303, 335, 337, 340
Laramie County
Cheyenne, 316
Natrona County
Salt Creek, 337
Sheridan County
Sheridan, 306
Yates, Governor, 70
Yelle, Adeline A., 385
Yelle, Nazaire, 385
Yelle, Virginia Olezine, 246, 385
Yelle, Wilford A., 385
Yerkes, Charles T., 260
Yoder, Ralph W., 302
Yoder, Zelma (Logsdon), 302
Young, Jacob, 4
Young, Josephine, 330
Young, Lillian, 131
Young, Lillian Mae, 229, 370
Young, Margaret (McFadden), 131
Young, Mary (Person), 300
Young, Samuel Baldwin, 131
Young, William James, Jr., 300
Zapata, Emiliano, 320
Zell, Frederick Charles, Jr., xii
Zell, Nancy Cox (Hubbard), xii
Ziegler, [son], 225
Ziegler, Alexander, 109, 224
Ziegler, Edna, 225, 364
Ziegler, Ellen (Freeland), 109, 224, 440, 462, 464, 474, 476, 479
Ziegler, Emma (Moore), 225, 363
Ziegler, George, 225, 364
Ziegler, Laverne, 364
Ziegler, Nellie, 225
Ziegler, Orville, 225, 363, 440
Ziegler, Raymond, 364
Ziegler, Walter, 225
Ziegler, Wilson, 364
Zinn, John, 581